JDK 8u152 b04 test results now available

Muneer Kolarkunnu abdul.kolarkunnu at oracle.com
Fri May 26 09:59:07 UTC 2017


JDK 8u152 ea b04 test results are now available at 

The jdk test results contain 5 differences from the build b03 test results. There is 1
testcase failure, this failure is under investigation, JBS issue already exists for this failure.

0: /home/jtest/merge8/jdk8u152-b03/jdk/JTwork  pass: 5,093; fail: 10; not run: 1,126

1: /home/jtest/merge8/jdk8u152-b04/jdk/JTwork  pass: 5,094; fail: 10; not run: 1,127


0      1      Test

pass   fail   com/sun/nio/sctp/SctpChannel/SocketOptionTests.java

fail   pass   com/sun/nio/sctp/SctpMultiChannel/SocketOptionTests.java

---    pass   java/net/DatagramSocket/B8035653.java

---    pass   javax/accessibility/JList/AccessibleJListChildNPETest.java

pass   ---    sun/security/ssl/com/sun/net/ssl/internal/ssl/X509KeyManager/PreferredKey.java


5 differences


The hotspot test results contain 2 differences from the build b03 test results.

No new testcase failures found.

0 0: /home/jtest/merge8/jdk8u152-b03/hotspot/JTwork  pass: 661; fail: 44; error: 4; not run: 21

1: /home/jtest/merge8/jdk8u152-b04/hotspot/JTwork  pass: 663; fail: 43; error: 4; not run: 21


0      1      Test

---    pass   gc/arguments/TestAggressiveHeap.java

fail   pass   gc/g1/TestShrinkAuxiliaryData25.java


2 differences


The langtools test results contain 1 difference from the build b03 test results.

No new testcase failures found.

0: /home/jtest/merge8/jdk8u152-b03/langtools/JTwork  pass: 3,111; fail: 2; not run: 7

1: /home/jtest/merge8/jdk8u152-b04/langtools/JTwork  pass: 3,112; fail: 2; not run: 7


0      1      Test

---    pass   tools/jdeps/MRJarWarning.java


1 differences

The nashorn test result is available at

Abdul Muneer
Quality Engineer
Oracle, Bangalore, India 

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