OpenJDK 16 EA build 27 test results now available

deepak.n.damodaran at deepak.n.damodaran at
Fri Dec 4 16:20:36 UTC 2020

*OpenJDK 1**6 EA build 27**test results are now available at *

The jdk test results contain 15 differencesfrom the build 26 test results.

No new testcase failures found.

0: /qoutreach1/jdktest/merge16/26/jdk/JTwork  pass: 7,850; fail: 2; not run: 2,740
1: /qoutreach1/jdktest/merge16/27/jdk/JTwork  pass: 7,865; fail: 2; not run: 2,746

0      1      Test
---    pass   java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles/classData/
---    pass   java/lang/reflect/Proxy/
---    pass   java/lang/reflect/Proxy/nonPublicProxy/
---    pass   java/util/stream/test/org/openjdk/tests/java/util/stream/
---    pass   jdk/jfr/api/consumer/recordingstream/
---    pass   jdk/jfr/api/consumer/recordingstream/
---    pass   jdk/jfr/jmx/streaming/
---    pass   jdk/jfr/jmx/streaming/
---    pass   jdk/jfr/jmx/streaming/
---    pass   jdk/jfr/jmx/streaming/
---    pass   jdk/jfr/jmx/streaming/
---    pass   jdk/jfr/jmx/streaming/
---    pass   jdk/jfr/jmx/streaming/
---    pass   sun/security/ssl/ALPN/
---    pass   sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/

15 differences

The hotspot test results contain 6 differencesfrom the build 26 test 

1 new testcase failure found. Investigation on the same is in progress.

0: /qoutreach1/jdktest/merge16/26/hotspot/JTwork  pass: 5,846; not run: 552
1: /qoutreach1/jdktest/merge16/27/hotspot/JTwork  pass: 5,846; fail: 1; not run: 554

0      1      Test
---    pass   compiler/intrinsics/
---    pass   compiler/jvmci/
pass   ---    compiler/oracle/
pass   ---    compiler/oracle/
---    pass   gc/g1/
pass   fail   vmTestbase/nsk/sysdict/vm/stress/btree/btree010/

6 differences

The langtools test results contain 16 differences from the build 26 test 

No new testcase failures found.

0: /qoutreach1/jdktest/merge16/26/langtools/JTwork  pass: 3,719; not run: 411
1: /qoutreach1/jdktest/merge16/27/langtools/JTwork  pass: 3,735; not run: 411

0      1      Test
---    pass   tools/javac/T8255968/
---    pass   tools/javac/T8255968/
---    pass   tools/javac/T8255968/
---    pass   tools/javac/T8255968/
---    pass   tools/javac/T8255968/
---    pass   tools/javac/T8255968/
---    pass   tools/javac/T8255968/
---    pass   tools/javac/T8255968/
---    pass   tools/javac/T8255968/
---    pass   tools/javac/T8255968/
---    pass   tools/javac/T8255968/
---    pass   tools/javac/T8255968/
---    pass   tools/javac/T8255968/
---    pass   tools/javac/T8255968/
---    pass   tools/javac/T8255968/
---    pass   tools/javac/T8255968/

16 differences


Deepak Damodaran


Oracle, Bangalore, India

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