OpenJDK 15 build 6 test results now available

deepak.n.damodaran at deepak.n.damodaran at
Tue Jan 21 06:20:21 UTC 2020

*OpenJDK 1**5 ea build **6 test results are now available at *

The jdk test results contain 6 differencesfrom the build 5 test results.

No new testcase failures found.

0: /scratch/export/home/aginfra/muneer/jtest/merge15/5/jdk/JTwork  pass: 7,618; fail: 2; error: 3; not run: 2,531
1: /scratch/export/home/aginfra/muneer/jtest/merge15/6/jdk/JTwork  pass: 7,620; fail: 1; error: 2; not run: 2,532

0      1      Test
error  pass   java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/
---    pass   java/util/ArrayList/
---    pass   java/util/jar/JarFile/jarVerification/
fail   pass   javax/accessibility/SlowPanelIteration/
pass   ---    jdk/jfr/api/consumer/recordingstream/
pass   ---    jdk/jfr/api/recording/time/

6 differences

The hotspot test results contain 5 differencesfrom the build 5 test 

No new testcase failures found. Certain tests were failed due to test 
infrastructure issue.

0: /scratch/export/home/aginfra/muneer/jtest/merge15/5/hotspot/JTwork  pass: 5,701; fail: 43; not run: 370
1: /scratch/export/home/aginfra/muneer/jtest/merge15/6/hotspot/JTwork  pass: 5,704; fail: 43; not run: 373

0      1      Test
---    pass   compiler/c2/
---    pass   compiler/macronodes/
---    pass   compiler/types/
---    pass   compiler/unsafe/
pass   ---    runtime/Metaspace/

5 differences


The langtools test results contain 3 differences from the build 5 test 

No new testcase failures found.

0: /scratch/export/home/aginfra/muneer/jtest/merge15/5/langtools/JTwork  pass: 3,664; not run: 393
1: /scratch/export/home/aginfra/muneer/jtest/merge15/6/langtools/JTwork  pass: 3,667; not run: 393

0      1      Test
---    pass   tools/javac/annotations/typeAnnotations/
---    pass   tools/javac/patterns/
---    pass   tools/jdeps/missingDeps/

3 differences



Deepak Damodaran


Oracle, Bangalore, India

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