Update for Jenkins

Alexander Brandes contact at notmyfault.dev
Sat Aug 12 14:46:06 UTC 2023

Hey everyone,

Jenkins has been listed for some time already [1], but we haven’t provided an update recently, let’s change that.

First, I would like to propose an update to our project’s comment: “Jenkins weekly and LTS versions are actively tested on Java 11, 17 and 21”.

Second, I can confirm [2] that Jenkins is ready for:

- OpenJDK 11: green star
- OpenJDK 17: green star
- OpenJDK 21: green star

Third, don’t hesitate to add me, Alexander Brandes, as point of contact for the project.
While Kohsuke Kawaguchi is the creator, he dropped out as active maintainer years ago.
I am a core maintainer and member of the Jenkins governance board [3] and I’m looking forward to providing future updates, when available.

Best regards,

[1] https://wiki.openjdk.org/display/quality/Quality+Outreach
[2] https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pull/8361
[3] https://www.jenkins.io/project/board/
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