[riscv-port] RFR: 8278322: riscv: Support RVC: compressed instructions

Xiaolin Zheng xlinzheng at openjdk.java.net
Tue Dec 7 04:55:48 UTC 2021

On Tue, 7 Dec 2021 04:46:10 GMT, Xiaolin Zheng <xlinzheng at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Hi team,
> This patch support RISC-V RVC extension. It can introduce:
> * 21% code size reduction in template interpreter generated code
> * 20%~25% code size reduction in C1 generated code, evaluated by a common SpringBoot program
> * 15%~20% code size reduction in C2 generated code, evaluated by a common SpringBoot program
> In my observation, the code size footprint could be reduced to nearly a level of the AArch64 back-end. About the performance, there seems a stable ~0.7% performance improvement on SPECjbb2015 on one HiFive Unleashed board, considering the code density increase. I think the performance aspect might be a speculative behavior on different hardware implementations because C910's performance might be better than that, but HiFive Unleashed may be more general.
> Things about this patch:
> * If an instruction is compressible, then we will implicitly emit a 16-bit compressed instruction instead of the 32-bit instruction in Assembler.
> * About the `_nc` postfix of some of Assembler instructions: we know a bunch of places should be reserved for patching, where we cannot change them into compressed instructions. `_nc` is short for `not compressible` - with this, those instructions should keep their origin 4-byte form and remain uncompressed.
> * There are things not easy to compress like MachBranchNodes. Please see the comments in the code - currently this patch does not support this. We will support this improvement in patches coming afterward.
> The macros after their expansion might be like:
> void andr(Register Rd, Register Rs1, Register Rs2) {
>   {
>     Register src = noreg;
>     if (UseCExt && Rs1->is_compressed_valid() && Rs2->is_compressed_valid() &&
>         ((src = Rs1, Rs2 == Rd) || (src = Rs2, Rs1 == Rd))) {
>       and_c(Rd, Rs2);
>       return;
>     }
>   }
>   unsigned insn = 0;
>   patch((address)&insn, 6, 0, 0b0110011);
>   patch((address)&insn, 14, 12, 0b111);
>   patch((address)&insn, 31, 25, 0b0000000);
>   patch_reg((address)&insn, 7, Rd);
>   patch_reg((address)&insn, 15, Rs1);
>   patch_reg((address)&insn, 20, Rs2);
>   emit(insn);
> };
> For further information, please see comments in `assembler_riscv_cext.hpp`.
> --
> This patch may need some time to acquire a review. I have polished this patch for quite a long time and it might seem stable under a bunch of full-tier tests and some tier1 jdk/hotspot jtreg tests. But I think we might mark it `experimental` at first, though it is turned on by default. [The original patch](https://github.com/riscv-collab/riscv-openjdk/pull/7), just for reference, might be quite different from the current one.
> I am pleased to receive any suggestion.
> Thanks,
> Xiaolin

I would humbly recommend adding my colleague Wei Kuai(kuaiwei.kw at alibaba-inc.com) as a co-author of this patch, especially including facilitating me to troubleshoot [problems](https://github.com/riscv-collab/riscv-openjdk/pull/24) that are not easy to address, out of his insightfulness, and also the support of the compression of MachBranchNodes coming afterward, etc. He has done quite a bunch of contributions to this patch.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/riscv-port/pull/24

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