[riscv-port] RFR: 8278322: riscv: Support RVC: compressed instructions

Fei Yang fyang at openjdk.java.net
Thu Dec 9 05:04:17 UTC 2021

On Thu, 9 Dec 2021 03:54:19 GMT, Xiaolin Zheng <xlinzheng at openjdk.org> wrote:

> ### About our first scheme:
> We may mark some instructions as compressible by adding function arguments. But compressed instructions can be used in almost every place in the code cache, like C1, C2, interpreter, and stub code. The range is quite big -- for instance, after some time we may want to compress some intrinsics, say, `C2_MacroAssembler::string_indexof_char_short()`.
> After `addi(Rd, Rs, imm)` becomes `addi(Rd, Rs, imm, bool compressible)`, it will be
> ```
> bind(MATCH1);
> addi(index, index, 1);   ->    addi(index, index, 1, true);
> j(MATCH);                ->    j(MATCH, true);
> bind(MATCH2);
> addi(index, index, 2);   ->    addi(index, index, 2, true);
> j(MATCH);                ->    j(MATCH, true)
> bind(MATCH3);
> addi(index, index, 3);   ->   ...
> j(MATCH);
> bind(MATCH4);
> addi(index, index, 4);
> j(MATCH);
> bind(MATCH5);
> addi(index, index, 5);
> j(MATCH);
> ```

That's exactly what I mean :-)
And this could be carried out incrementally, module by module.

> We might not add extra explicit arguments to them since this may make maintenance quite hard. :-)

No. Passing one extra argument here won't affect future code maintainance in anyway here.
In fact, I think this will make reviewer/maintainer's life easier since this makes it explict the places where it's safe to do compress.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/riscv-port/pull/24

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