Comment typo of imm index

Dingli Zhang dingli at
Fri May 6 09:35:44 UTC 2022

Hi, I found a small problem about imm index in the comments.
I think 'imm[31:28]’ may be 'imm[31:20]' for ‘0x7ff' in the following two places:


void Assembler::li64(Register Rd, int64_t imm) {
// Load upper 32 bits. upper = imm[63:32], but if imm[31] == 1 or
// (imm[31:28] == 0x7ff && imm[19] == 1), upper = imm[63:32] + 1.
int64_t lower = imm & 0xffffffff;


  // Load upper 32 bits. Upper = target[63:32], but if target[31] = 1 or (target[31:28] == 0x7ff && target[19] == 1),
  // upper = target[63:32] + 1.

Best regards,

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