openjdk 20 crash on linux kernel 5.19, because it can not support huge VM?

Ze Zhang zhangze.linux at
Sat Nov 26 00:06:34 UTC 2022


all I have tried in the previous mail is about user-mode, because ONLY run
linux kernel 5.19 on qemu 7.10 system mode, we can get a SV57 VM, so I run
qemu system mode first, then in qemu system mode environment, run
qemu-riscv64 user-mode cmdline, which means run qemu user mode in a qemu
system mode linux system, otherwise test is not for SV57.
openjdk team should do the detail test about this, I only care about qemu
system mode.


Vladimir Kempik <vladimir.kempik at> 于2022年11月25日周五 17:56写道:

> Hello
>  run qemu-riscv64 -L  xxxx   /usr/bin/java -version, result
> is Segmentation fault,
> That’s actually user-mode, isn’t it ?
> Regards, Vladimir
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