Re: Re: Discuss the RVC implementation
Xiaolin Zheng
yunyao.zxl at
Tue Sep 20 12:00:03 UTC 2022
Hi Felix,
Thanks for the advice. The main patch is only the one marked by "[3]" indeed. The "[1]" and "[2]" are actually not related so much.
So will do it then.
From:yangfei <yangfei at>
Send Time:2022年9月20日(星期二) 19:48
To:郑孝林(云矅) <yunyao.zxl at>
Cc:riscv-port-dev <riscv-port-dev at>
Subject:Re: Re: Discuss the RVC implementation
Hi Xiaolin,
> -----Original Messages-----
> From: "Xiaolin Zheng" <yunyao.zxl at>
> Sent Time: 2022-09-20 18:44:21 (Tuesday)
> To: yangfei <yangfei at>
> Cc: riscv-port-dev <riscv-port-dev at>
> Subject: Re: Discuss the RVC implementation
> Hi Felix,
> TL;DR of code size evaluations, stably reproduced:
> If a piece of code is 100 bytes full of 4-byte instructions:
> 1. In the current master branch with RVC, it may shrink to 95 bytes. (compression rate is %5)
> 2. With the new implementation at [1], it may shrink to 84 bytes. (compression rate is 16%; ~11% more than master)
> 3. With the special patch at [2] (a special optimization of compressing two "slli"s in the movptr), it may shrink to 79 bytes. (compression rate is 21%; ~%5 addition to the previous one, because movptr() is used in a quite big quantity. But this patch might need further beautification for the hard-coded enumeration and will cause complexity for reviewing, so we'd postpone that temporarily)
> These are evaluated by a hand-written toy histogram[3], excluding the scratch_emit, and tested with release build (for fastdebug build, the compression rate is far more than release mode; but we may not care about that), only for evaluation purposes.
> About the performance, I need more time to make some more evaluations. Due to the patch of the new implementation should wait for the loom port merging first, we have plenty of time then. I am going to make a long run of specjbb2015 to measure it on average. Will update the result in the same thread.
> ---------------
> Precisely, here are some detailed data about the code size.
> This histogram mentioned above presents all the instructions emitted in a JVM process, shown when exiting. For example, the picture in [4].
> The second row (RVC instructions) + The third row (4-byte normal instructions) = The fourth row (total instructions); sorted by the fourth row.
> If RVC is not enabled, the second row is always 0 and the third row is always equal to the fourth row.
> Tested with the new RVC [1] branch with springboot / springboot-petclinic / SPECjvm2008 / SPECjbb2015(when exiting), the results are all a stable ~84%. The SPECjvm2008 results are at [5]. Please search the keywords "Ideally Code Size Could Shrink to" in the files in the browser for more details.
> P.S.: the result with the special patch [2] is about ~79% at [6] for future references, but might be reserved for now.
> Best,
> Xiaolin
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
Thanks for taking the time measuring those figures :-)
It's great to know that your new proposal for supporting RVC works better in respect of codesize metric.
I am currently looking at the details of your code changes at [1].
I just realized that your work bears some code cleanup in the first two commits. I would suggest we upstream those code cleanup first if possible.
[1]</></yangfei at></yunyao.zxl at>
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