[sctp-dev] JDK7 Feature schedule: SCTP

Vita Santrucek vita.santrucek at sun.com
Mon Apr 6 17:45:30 PDT 2009

Chris, Mark,

>>> but I would like to hold off on integration into the JDK 7 master to
>>> accommodate the SQE sc

To my knowledge there are no scheduling problems on the SQE side.  
Chris, can you clarify?

>> Vita, other Release Team members: What do you think?

In order to keep the preview release compelling and get more exposure  
to the new code, I'd prefer to have this feature in now (waiving some  
individual milestone exit criteria if necessary) rather than postpone  
integration until future milestones.

Let me check with Shantaram tonight, but unless there are some newly  
developed blockers I'd say let's get it in M3.


On Apr 6, 2009, at 4:57 PM, Joe Darcy wrote:

> On 04/06/09 04:52 PM, Mark Reinhold wrote:
>>> Date: Mon, 06 Apr 2009 17:01:15 +0100
>>> From: christopher.hegarty at sun.com
>>> The JDK7 feature SCTP [1] is currently targeted to Milestone 3,  
>>> see the
>>> JDK 7 development schedule [2]. I would like to re-target this  
>>> feature
>>> to M5.
>>> Development is progressing nicely through the SCTP OpenJDK project  
>>> [3],
>>> but I would like to hold off on integration into the JDK 7 master to
>>> accommodate the SQE schedule,
>> Which aspect of the SQE schedule do you mean?  The SQE testing  
>> cycle is
>> aligned with the milestone schedule.
>> If you can't make build 55, can you make build 56?  Given the  
>> relative
>> independence of the SCTP API from the rest of the code base I'd be  
>> open
>> to it being integrated somewhat later in M3.
>> Vita, other Release Team members: What do you think?
>> - Mark
> I'm open to letting this feature in a later m3 build; I'd prefer  
> that to m5.
> -Joe

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