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<p>Interesting, language features for modules, won't necessarily involve ClassLoader's (my assumptions were based on existing systems) although you'd expect modules to have their own ProtectionDomain.
<br>An alternative to isolates, is separate processes with jvm class sharing enabled.
<br>I'll keep an eye out for the JSR.
<br>When is a better timeframe, roughly, to discuss Serializable?
<br>----- Original message -----
<br>> On 11/08/2014 13:06, Peter Firmstone wrote:
<br>> > Thanks Alan, I can relate to time poverty :)
<br>> >
<br>> > I might be assuming too much, but if there's interest in doing
<br>> > something with Serialization, I'd be interested in learning about
<br>> > plans or difficulties involved in deserialization and modules. It can
<br>> > be a little more difficult to find the correct ClassLoader to resolve
<br>> > classes during deserialization when ClassLoader relationships aren't
<br>> > hierarchial. Object streams can be annotated with module information
<br>> > to assist resolution.
<br>> The issues around visibility when deserializing are somewhat independent
<br>> of modules. The usual way to deal with such matters is to override the
<br>> resolveClass method. Another long standing suggestion is for
<br>> ObjectInputStream to define a new constructor that takes a class loader
<br>> to avoid the stack walk to get the user-defined loader. It remains to
<br>> seen but if we can avoid changing visibility then we don't change the
<br>> status quo.
<br>> > :
<br>> >
<br>> > Got any links to info on extending access control rules?
<br>> Not yet, a future JSR will define the standard module system and there
<br>> will be a corresponding JEP for the implementation.
<br>> -Alan.