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<p>Making things clearer if I can:</p>
<p>Some thoughts on hooks:</p>
<li>Utilize java.security.Provider, so as not to expose jdk
implementation code. Eg: a module declaration or
META-INF/services/java.security.Provider to obtain relevant
instances of java.security.Guard, where Permission
implementation types are currently used. </li>
<li>Allow existing Permission classes to remain backward
compatible, declare them as services, so that SecurityManager
can be degraded as planned and Permission implementations can be
gradually removed as planned. (Removes dependencies on
Permission instance types).<br>
<li>Guard implementation's are typically required to have a
constructor with two String arguments, (String name, String
actions), can be passed as new String[]{ name, actions}
constructor parameter to
<li>Service must implement Guard interface, with Guard::check
method (current Permission implementations implement this method
and call System.getSecurityManager).<br>
<li>Doesn't depend on Permission or any existing implementation
classes, completely customizable by the service implementation.</li>
<li>Application developers can also implement hooks using this
<li>Using security provider avoids deadlock during Provider
initialization, it must be listed as a provider in the
java.security file or if security.overridePropertiesFile=true
and -Djava.security.properties=<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="file://path/additional.security">file://path/additional.security</a>
defines providers, which would be useful for testing.</li>
<p>Break up guard service providers into current Permission types
(independent instances to avoid circular deadlocks), developers
only need implement those relevant to them and may only use checks
for users if they wish:</p>
<p>I would like to suggest adding a new provider type:</p>
"PARSE-DATA" - To be called by any code about to parse data, eg
deserialization, XML, JSON, SQL, etc. Granted to users, so that it
can only be performed after authentication.
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Peter Firmstone
Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.</pre>