jconsole question -- probably the wrong mailing list but here goes...

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at Sun.COM
Wed Apr 9 07:08:34 PDT 2008

Stephen Ryan wrote:
> Hi Luis.
> I just discovered visualvm this morning in my quest. Its has some nice 
> features and all the same stuff that jconsole delivers as well.
> Heres the top chunk of what jmap -histo delivers. Also the classes 
> loaded count is still increasing. Im starting to lean towards a bug in 
> the code of my webserver.
> Size    Count   Class description
> -------------------------------------------------------
> 70483456        210902  char[]
> 22539768        939157  java.lang.String
> 10608936        442039  java.util.HashMap$Entry
> 3876512 18922   java.util.HashMap$Entry[]
> 3823192 22119   * ConstMethodKlass
> 3046768 4349    byte[]
> 2724968 47155   java.lang.Object[] ...
It might be better to move this to the Monitoring and Troubleshooting 
Tools forum [1] as it sounds like this isn't really an OpenJDK issue. A 
good start may be to run with -verbose:class to trace the classes as 
they are loaded. As this is a webserver maybe there are JSPs being 
compiled into classes and loaded. In that case the web container 
probably has its own class loaders then the classes may be unloaded in time.


[1] http://forum.java.sun.com/forum.jspa?forumID=538

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