Review request for 6432567: PIT : com/sun/jdi/ fails due to

Tim Bell Tim.Bell at Sun.COM
Thu Aug 27 15:52:17 PDT 2009

Hi Alan:
> Tim - do you mind reviewing this one?


> The issue as you know, arises 
> when the debuggee is connected to something that isn't a debugger and 
> the handshake fails. The transport code writes the error message into a 
> buffer on the stack that isn't sized correctly and so can trash the 
> stack.

After reviewing your fix, I am amazed this test failed on
only one platform instead of all eight.


> [1]

Instead of:

 174         sprintf(msg, "handshake failed - received >%s< - expected >%s<", b, hello);

How about:

 174         snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "handshake failed - received >%s< - expected >%s<", b, hello);

as Kelly suggested, and was also suggested on this email thread;

Recent compilers from Microsoft and others emit warnings
when they find use of old 'unsafe' strcat() and sprintf(), so
it would be good to eliminate one while we have the chance.
Our build logs already have too many warnings in them...

I'll be glad to help with additional building and testing
if you would like.



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