Need reviewers - 3 bugs

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Fri Dec 11 15:58:32 PST 2009

2009/12/11 Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at>:
> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>> 2009/12/10 Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at>:
>>> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>>>> 2009/11/18 Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at>:
>>>>> Need a reviewer.
>>>>> The jhat change is from keith.randall at I wasn't able to
>>>>> come up with a testcase for that change.
>>>>> The other two just fix a couple of broken tests and remove them from
>>>>> the ProblemList.
>>>>> 6892742: Improve root set used by jhat
>>>>> 6902323: Fix testcase sun/tools/native2ascii/
>>>>> 6902325: Fix testcase sun/tools/jhat/
>>>>> -kto
>>>> Pretty much the same fix for the JHat issue was filed by one of our
>>>> Red Hat interns in March:
>>>> but sadly completely ignored by anyone at Sun (at least it seems so
>>>> from the bug report).  This is one reason why I've tended to not
>>>> bother with the OpenJDK bug system...
>>> Sorry. I already have to deal with Sun's internal bug tracking system,
>>> and also JIRA for JavaFX. Learning my way around bugzilla has not been
>>> high my list. I get lost and tired of waiting every time I get into
>>> the bugzilla pages. :^(  I suspect most Sun people may be in the same
>>> boat.
>> I didn't mean it as a personal attack, and I apologise if it sounded
>> like that.  Anyway, we're equally guilty for not following up on the
>> lack of response :)
> No problem. I should have been connected to the bugzilla components,
> my fault.
>> It was more a comment on the usefulness of the OpenJDK bug DB.  I
>> don't feel it's really helped anything, but just added another thing
>> to check on both for those of us working on IcedTea (who already have
>> the IcedTea bug DB and various distro-specific ones) and Sun
>> engineers, who as you also point out already have to check the Sun bug
>> DB and other project DBs.   Moreover,  to actually push the bug, it
>> has to have a Sun bug ID anyway.  So I can empathise with you because
>> we're in the same boat here.
> Yeah, it's kind of pain in the ass right now.
>> I am glad that this thread has inspired people to go and look at the
>> DB and hopefully resurrect some of them from this graveyard.
> Yeah, apparently I wasn't the only one not connected to bugzilla. ;^)
>>> How could I at least see some email on these bugs?
>>> Aren't they connected to the various openjdk email aliases?
>>> Sorry I'm not bugzilla-savy. :^(
>>>> Anyway, coming to merge that with the version now in OpenJDK6 version
>>>> I found that the upstream doesn't update the comment.  So perhaps we
>>>> could push:
>>>> given a bug ID for this small change.
>>> 6909442: Fix comments in test/sun/tools/jhat/
>> Cheers.  Is tl ok for this one?  That seems to be the one for
>> serviceability issues now.
> Yes, feel free to push this change int jdk7.
> Consider it reviewed by me.
> -kto
>>> -kto


I also pushed it to 6 to keep things in sync with your previous merge.

Andrew :-)

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