hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6860431: Character.isSurrogate(char ch)

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de
Thu Sep 3 12:51:39 PDT 2009

Am 03.09.2009 20:10, Martin Buchholz schrieb:
> I agree that the spec can be clarified.
> Another case is the similar
> http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/String.html#replace(char, char)
> which states "Returns a new string", but then goes on to contradict itself,
> although the meaning is clear.
> Webrev please.


I was in the assumption, that you could add this clarification to your 
CR as you are involved anyway on finishing the javadoc of String. As you 
may be know, webrev script is a pain for me, as I'm on Windows. CYGWIN 
is buggy in that case, so each 2nd time I try this, Windows comes to 
hang because of C heap overflow.

I like to finish the Character class and file the changes via patch on 
https://bugs.openjdk.java.net. So I would be happy If you could answer 
my question, if replacing all occurrences of <code>...</code> by {@code 
...} using  \u005CuXXXX is secure.


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