OpenJDK code review request for jmethodID and JNI itable cache race fixes (6419370)

Daniel D. Daugherty Daniel.Daugherty at Sun.COM
Thu Sep 17 14:34:37 PDT 2009

Second Call for any OpenJDK reviewers!

I will be closing the review window this weekend on this fix.


Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'm looking for a couple of OpenJDK code reviewers for my fix to
> the following bug:
>    6419370 4/4 new jmethodID code has tiny holes in synchronization
> The synopsis is a bit misleading since two different caches are
> involved:
>    - the jmethodID cache
>    - the JNI itable index cache
> Both of these caches are used by the regular system and when JVM/TI
> is used so this code is applicable outside my usual Serviceability
> arena. That's why this code review request is so wide...
> Here is the URL for the OpenJDK code review round 1 webrev:
> I've updated the bug with descriptions of the races involved:
> See Evaluation note #3 for a walk through that refers to both
> old and new code.
> I'm targeting this fix for HSX-17-B02 so I'd like to hear back
> from at least one reviewer in a week or so...
> Thanks, in advance, for any feedback!
> Dan

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