6927816 : Demo crash in heaptracker with Non-Sun JDK due to possible violation of JNI spec
Dalibor Topic
dalibor.topic at oracle.com
Wed Dec 15 11:58:00 PST 2010
On 12/15/10 8:55 PM, Dalibor Topic wrote:
> On 12/15/10 10:43 AM, Steve Poole wrote:
>> So what happens next?
> That's it ;) The change has made its way into the TL repo. In JDK7,
> most of the work happens in such subrepositories, like TL or langtools,
> and then gets pulled up and merged into master regularly.
> Kelly has a blog post that describes the setup here:
> http://blogs.sun.com/kto/entry/openjdk_mercurial_wheel
>> and what generally is the process for getting this
>> change set into the main JDK 7 repo?
> Kelly has another blog entry on that here:
> http://blogs.sun.com/kto/entry/openjdk_dude_where_s_my
> I hope this helps, if there are questions, don't hesitate to ask.
There is one more post to point to, Brad described the process from
the POV of a gatekeeper here:
dalibor topic
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