URGENT code review request for Win* UnhandledExceptionFilter fix (6918421)

David Holmes - Sun Microsystems David.Holmes at Sun.COM
Mon Feb 1 17:11:57 PST 2010


This looks fine to me.


Daniel D. Daugherty said the following on 02/02/10 10:31:
> Greetings,
> I have an urgent code review request for a Win* fix. Basically,
> I'm making a minor tweak to Ivan's original fix for the following
> bug:
>    6550813 5/3 Crash because of FPU control word being modified
>                by native code (win32)
> Here's the URL for my tweak:
>    http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/6918421-webrev/0/
> The fix passes the customer test attached to 6918421 and
> it passes the test associated with Ivan's fix for 6550813.
> I'm targeting this fix for HSX-17-B09; since this is a P1 it
> will be backported to JDK6-UNN...
> Thanks, in advance, for any reviews.
> Dan

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