SDK Test Fixes Batch for 2010.07 (6941287, 6962804, 6964018)

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Tue Jul 20 13:22:22 PDT 2010

The first two batches look fine to me.

The last one was pretty big, and I poked around a little, looks fine  
to me,
but I am not sure I gave it a very good review.

I think getting these tests right may be more difficult than getting  
the API to work. :^{

So for risking your sanity and working on these tests, you get 3 gold  
stars. ;^)


On Jul 20, 2010, at 11:35 AM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:

> Greetings,
> I have fixes for three different test bugs ready to go for OpenJDK7.
> I've run these tests manually on Linux, Solaris SPARC, Solaris X86
> and WinXP/Cygwin. I've run these tests through JPRT several times to
> make sure they are stable (which also covers WinXP/MKS). I've been
> running select tests from this set in loops for 12-24 hours on Linux,
> Solaris X86 and WinXP/Cygwin to make sure they don't hiccup.
> This first fix I've had for a while and it has been used in my  
> personal
> baseline testing for the last several JDK7 promotions:
> Yes, it could be refactored to use some of the newer logic that I  
> added
> in the fix for 6964018, but that's a task that should be applied to  
> all
> the test/sun/tools/* tests.
> This second fix was intended to add diagnostic information for  
> tracking
> down some of the strange intermittent failures on Windows:
> However, the fix seems to have solved the intermittent failures on
> Windows problem. I haven't seen these failures reproduce in my  
> personal
> baseline testing on the last several JDK7 promotions and a stress loop
> using JDK7-B98 bits hasn't reproduced the failures either. I suspect
> that my refactoring of the logic that handles a missing NL at the end
> of a file has fixed this problem. The scaffold no longer creates a
> temporary file every time a test runs; it is only created when needed
> to solve the missing NL problem.
> The third fix gets my recent Logger WeakReference leak tests back into
> the available test mix:
> This fix refactors and enhances some of the test infrastructure in
> test/sun/tools/common/* and changes the new Logger WeakReference leak
> tests to use that infrastructure. Other tests in test/sun/tools/*
> also need minor tweaks to fit into the new infrastructure.
> Thanks, in advance, for any reviews.
> Dan

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