Second Code Review for WeakReference leak in the Logging API (6942989)

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at
Fri Jun 18 12:25:55 PDT 2010


I have a new version of my fix for the WeakReference leak in the
Logging API done. This version uses ReferenceQueues; thanks to Eamonn
McManus, Jeremy Manson and Tony Printezis for their insights on using
ReferenceQueues. Here's a pointer to Tony's paper for background info:

This version also has limits on the number of dead Loggers that are
cleaned up per call; thanks to Alan Bateman for politely pushing me in
that direction.

The webrev is again relative to OpenJDK7, but the bug is escalated so
the fix will be backported to the JDK6-Update train. So again, I'll
need a minimum of two code reviewers.

Here is the URL for the webrev:

Thanks, in advance, for any reviews.


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