code review for 7067811: Update demo/sample code to state it should not be used for production

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Aug 24 12:03:49 PDT 2011

Nils Loodin wrote:
> :
> Finally on the documentation of applications, such as the lightweight 
> HTTP server, that are shipped for testing/debugging, the following 
> disclaimer should be added:
> Applications such as the lightweight HTTP server are shipped with the 
> JDK to help developers deploy and test their code easily.   They have 
> not been developed in accordance to software development standards for 
> production-quality applications. Usage of such test and/or support 
> applications in production environments is strongly discouraged.
"Applications such as the lightweight HTTP server" - I'm not sure that I 
understand what the requester means here. I wonder if they are talking 
about the HTTP server API (src/share/classes/com/sun/net/httpserver) or 
do they really mean the NIO sample code in src/share/sample/nio/server?


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