Review Request: Warnings cleanup in and its subpackages

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Dec 8 03:42:08 PST 2011

On 07/12/2011 16:12, Kurchi Hazra wrote:
> :
> Hi Mandy,
>    I ran the jdk_land and jdk_management tests from jdk/test folder 
> with and without my changes. I get 8 failures. Is this normal?
All the tests should pass. Does 8 failures mean the same test failing on 
8 hardware/OS combinations or 8 distinct failures. If the former then I 
would suggest following up on serviceability-dev. Also check that you 
are using the the problem list, which the jdk_lang and jdk_management 
targets will use by default. If you've just run the 
java/lang/management/** and sun/management/** tests without specifying 
-exclude then you will be running tests that are known to have issues 
(they should not be run).


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