Request for Review (XXL): 7104647: Adding a diagnostic command framework

Frederic Parain frederic.parain at
Mon Dec 12 07:56:43 PST 2011

Minor updates:


On 12/12/11 03:29 PM, Frederic Parain wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Thank you for the review.
> I've applied all your recommendations except the refactoring
> in diagnosticCommandFramework.cpp (too few lines can be really
> factored out without passing many arguments).
> New webrev is here:
> Regards,
> Fred
> On 12/ 8/11 07:26 PM, Paul Hohensee wrote:
>> For the hotspot part at
>> Most of my comments are style-related. Nice job on the implementation
>> architecture.
>> In attachListener.cpp:
>> You might want to delete the first "return JNI_OK;" line, since the code
>> under
>> HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION just falls through.
>> In jmm.h:
>> Be nice to indent "(JNIEnv" on lines 318, 319 and 325 the same as the
>> existing declarations. Add a newline just before it on line 322.
>> In diagnosticFramework.hpp:
>> Fix indenting for lines 63-66, insert blank before "size_t" on line 48.
>> Hotspot convention is that getter method names don't include a "get_"
>> prefix.
>> So, e.g., DCmdArgIter::get_key_addr() s/b DCmdArgIter::key_addr().
>> Similarly, getters such as is_enabled() should retrieve a field named
>> "_is_enabled"
>> rather than one named "enabled". You follow the "_is_enabled" convention
>> in other places such as GenDCmdArgument. Or you could use enabled() to
>> get the value of the _enabled field.
>> Also generally, I'd use accessor methods in the implementation of more
>> complex member methods rather than access the underlying fields directly.
>> E.g. in GenDCmdArgument::read_value, I'd use is_set() and
>> set_is_set(true),
>> (set_is_set() is not actually defined, but should be) rather than
>> directly
>> accessing _is_set. Though sometimes doing this is too much of a pain
>> with fields whose type is a template argument, as in the
>> DCmdArggument<char*>::parse_value() method in diagnosticArgument.cpp.
>> For easy readability, it'd be nice to line up field names (the ones
>> with an
>> _ prefix) at the same column.
>> On line 200, "instanciated" -> "instantiated"
>> On line 218, I'd use "heap_allocated" rather than "heap" for the formal
>> arg name.
>> On line 248, you could indent the text to start underneath
>> "outputStream".
>> I generally find that indenting arguments lines (formal or actual) so
>> they line
>> up with the first argument position make the code more readable, but I'm
>> not
>> religious about it.
>> On line 265, "instanciated" -> "instantiated"
>> DCmdFactorys are members of a singly-linked list, right? If so, it'd be
>> good to
>> have a comment to that effect on the declaration of _next.
>> On line 322, insert a blank before "true". You might fix this in other
>> places
>> where there's no blank between a comma in an argument list and the
>> following parameter value.
>> In diagnosticCommandFramework.cpp:
>> The code from lines 80-95 and 105-120 is identical. Factor out?
>> In diagnosticArgument.cpp:
>> On line 41, insert blanks before the actual arguments. (see above
>> generic comment)
>> On line 77, the "if" is indented one space too many.
>> In management.cpp:
>> I'd be consistent with having or not having a space between "while",
>> "if" and "for"
>> and the following "(" in this and your other code. Most hotspot code has
>> a space.
>> Thanks,
>> Paul
>> On 12/2/11 8:57 AM, Frederic Parain wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> [Posting to serviceability-dev, runtime-dev and core-libs-dev
>>> because changes are pretty big and touch all these areas]
>>> Here's a framework for issuing diagnostics commands to the JVM.
>>> Diagnostic commands are actions executed inside the JVM mainly
>>> for monitoring or management purpose. This work has two parts.
>>> The first part is in the hotspot repository and contains the
>>> framework itself with two diagnostic commands. The second
>>> part is in the JDK repository and contains the command line
>>> utility to invoke diagnostic commands as well as the
>>> HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean extensions. The HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean
>>> extensions allow a remote client to discover and invoke
>>> diagnostic commands using a JMX connection.
>>> This changeset only contains two diagnostic commands, more
>>> commands will be added in the future, as a standalone effort
>>> to improve the monitoring and management services of the
>>> JVM, or as part of other projects.
>>> Webrevs are here:
>>> Here's a technical description of this work:
>>> 1 - The Diagnostic Command Framework
>>> 1-1 Overview
>>> The diagnostic command framework is fully implemented in native code
>>> and relies on the HotSpot's internal exception mechanism.
>>> The rational of a pure native implementation is to be able to execute
>>> diagnostic commands even in critical situations like an OutOfMemory
>>> error. All diagnostic commands are registered in a single list, and two
>>> flags control the way a user can interact with them. The "hidden" flag
>>> prevents a diagnostic command from appearing in the list of available
>>> commands returned by the "help" command. However, it's still possible to
>>> get the detailed help message for a hidden command with the "help
>>> <command name>" syntax (but it requires to know the name of the hidden
>>> command). The second flag is "enabled" and it controls if a command can
>>> be invoked or not. When listed with the "help" commands, disabled
>>> commands appear with a "[disabled]" label in their description. If the
>>> user tries to invoke a disabled command, an error message is returned
>>> and the command is not run. This error message can be customized on a
>>> per command base. The framework just provides these two flags with their
>>> semantic, it doesn't provide any policy or mechanism to set or modify
>>> these flags. These actions will be delegated to the JVM or special
>>> diagnostic commands.
>>> 1-2 Implementation
>>> All diagnostic commands are implemented as subclasses of the DCmd class
>>> defined in services/diagnosticFramework.hpp. Here's the layout of the
>>> DCmd class and the list of methods that a new command has to define or
>>> overwrite:
>>> class DCmd {
>>> DCmd(outputStream *output);
>>> static const char *get_name();
>>> static const char *get_description();
>>> static const char *get_disabled_message();
>>> static const char *get_impact();
>>> static int get_num_arguments();
>>> virtual void print_help(outputStream* out);
>>> virtual void parse(CmdLine* line, char delim, TRAPS);
>>> virtual void execute(TRAPS);
>>> virtual void reset(TRAPS);
>>> virtual void cleanup();
>>> virtual GrowableArray<const char *>* get_argument_name_array();
>>> virtual GrowableArray<DCmdArgumentInfo*>* get_argument_info_array();
>>> }
>>> A diagnostic command is always instantiated with an outputStream in
>>> parameter. This outputStream can point either to a file, a buffer or a
>>> socket (see the ostream.hpp file).
>>> The get_name() method returns the string that will identify the command
>>> (i.e. the string to put on the command line to invoke it).
>>> The get_description() methods returns the global description of the
>>> command.
>>> The get_disabled_message() returns the customized message to return when
>>> the command is disabled, without having to instantiate the command.
>>> The get_impact() returns a description of the intrusiveness of the
>>> diagnostic command on the Java Virtual Machine behavior. The rational
>>> for this method is that some diagnostic commands can seriously disrupt
>>> the behavior of the Java Virtual Machine (for instance a Thread Dump for
>>> an application with several tens of thousands of threads, or a Head Dump
>>> with a 40GB+ heap size) and other diagnostic commands have no serious
>>> impact on the JVM (for instance, getting the command line arguments or
>>> the JVM version). The recommended format for the description is <impact
>>> level>: [longer description], where the impact level is selected among
>>> this list: {low, medium, high}. The optional longer description can
>>> provide more specific details like the fact that Thread Dump impact
>>> depends on the heap size.
>>> The get_num_arguments() returns the number of options/arguments
>>> recognized by the diagnostic command. This method is only used by the
>>> JMX interface support (see below).
>>> The print_help() methods prints a detailed help on the outputStream
>>> passed in argument. The detailed help contains the list of all supported
>>> options with their type and description.
>>> The parse() method is in charge of parsing the command arguments. Each
>>> command is free to implement its own argument parser. However, an
>>> argument parser framework is provided (see section 1-3) to ease the
>>> implementation, but its use is optional. The parse method takes a
>>> delimiter character in argument, which is used to mark the limit between
>>> two arguments (typically invocation from jcmd will use a space character
>>> as a delimiter while invocation from the JVM command line parsing code
>>> will use a comma as a delimiter).
>>> The execute() method is naturally the one to invoke to get the
>>> diagnostic command executed. The parse() and the execute() methods are
>>> dissociated, so it's a possible perform the argument parsing in one
>>> thread, and delegate the execution to another thread, as long as the
>>> diagnostic command doesn't reference thread local variables. The
>>> framework allows several instances of the same diagnostic command to be
>>> executed in parallel. If for some reasons concurrent executions should
>>> not be allowed for a given diagnostic command, this is the
>>> responsibility of the diagnostic command implementor to enforce this
>>> rule, for instance by protecting the body of the execute() method with a
>>> global lock.
>>> The reset() method is used to initialize the internal fields of the
>>> diagnostic command or to reset the internal fields to their initial
>>> value to be able to re-use an already allocated diagnostic command
>>> instance.
>>> The cleanup() method is used to perform perform cleanup (like freeing of
>>> all memory allocated to store internal data). The DCmd extends the
>>> ResourceObj class, so when allocated in a ResourceArea, destructors
>>> cannot be used to perform cleanup. To ensure that cleanup is performed
>>> in all cases, it is recommended to create a DCmdMark instance for each
>>> DCmd instance. DCmdMark is a stack allocated object with a pointer to a
>>> DCmd instance. When the DCmdMark is destroyed, its destructor calls the
>>> cleanup() method of the DCmd instance it points to. If the DCmd instance
>>> has been allocated on the C-Heap, the DCmdMark will also free the memory
>>> allocated to store the DCmd instance.
>>> The get_argument_name_array() and get_argument_info_array() are related
>>> to the JMX interface of the diagnostic command framework, so they are
>>> described in section 3.
>>> 1-3 DCmdParser framework
>>> The DCmdParser class is an optional framework to help development of
>>> argument parsers. It provides many features required by the diagnostic
>>> command framework (generation of the help message or the argument
>>> descriptions for the JMX interface) but all these features can easily be
>>> re-implemented if a developer decides not to use the DCmdParser
>>> framework.
>>> The DCmdParser class is relying on the DCmdArgument template. This
>>> template must be used to define the different types of argument the
>>> parser will have to handle. When a new specialization of the template is
>>> done, three methods have to be provided:
>>> void parse_value(const char *str,size_t len,TRAPS);
>>> void init_value(TRAPS);
>>> void destroy_value();
>>> The parse_value() method is used to convert a string into an argument
>>> value. The print_value() method is used to display the default value
>>> (support for the detailed help message). The init_value() method is used
>>> to initialize or reset the argument value. The destroy_value() method is
>>> a clean-up method (useful when the argument has allocated some C-Heap
>>> memory to store its value and this memory has to be freed before
>>> destroying the DCmdArgument instance).
>>> The DCmdParser makes a distinction between options and arguments.
>>> Options are identified by a key name that must appear on the command
>>> line, while argument are identified just by the position of the argument
>>> on the command line. Options use the <key>=<value> syntax. In case of
>>> boolean options, the '=<value>' part of the syntax can be omitted to set
>>> the option to true. Arguments are just sequences characters delimited by
>>> a separator character. This separator can be specified at runtime when
>>> invoking the diagnostic command framework. If an argument contain a
>>> character that could be used as a delimiter, it's possible to enclose
>>> the argument between single or double quotes. Options are arguments are
>>> instantiated using the same DCmdArgument class but they're registered
>>> differently to the DCmdParser.
>>> The way to use the DCmdParser is to declare the parser and the
>>> option/arguments as fields of the diagnostic command class (which is
>>> itself a sub-class of the DCmd class), like this:
>>> class EchoDCmd : public DCmd {
>>> protected:
>>> DCmdParser _dcmdparser;
>>> DCmdArgument<jlong> _required;
>>> DCmdArgument<jlong> _intval;
>>> DCmdArgument<bool> _boolval;
>>> DCmdArgument<char *> _stringval;
>>> DCmdArgument<char *> _first_arg;
>>> DCmdArgument<jlong> _second_arg;
>>> DCmdArgument<char *> _optional_arg;
>>> }
>>> The parser and the options/arguments must be initialized before the
>>> diagnostic command class, and the options/arguments have to be
>>> registered to the parser like this:
>>> EchoDCmd(outputStream *output) : DCmd(output),
>>> _stringval("-strval","a string argument","STRING",false),
>>> _boolval("-boolval","a boolean argument","BOOLEAN",false),
>>> _intval("-intval","an integer argument","INTEGER",false),
>>> _required("-req","a mandatory integer argument","INTEGER",true),
>>> _fist_arg("first argument","a string argument","STRING",true),
>>> _second_arg("second argument,"an integer argument,"INTEGER",true),
>>> _optional_arg("optional argument","an optional string
>>> argument","STRING","false")
>>> {
>>> _dcmdparser.add_dcmd_option(&_stringval)
>>> _dcmdparser.add_dcmd_option(&_boolval);
>>> _dcmdparser.add_dcmd_option(&_intval);
>>> _dcmdparser.add_dcmd_option(&_required);
>>> _dcmdparser.add_argument(&_first_arg);
>>> _dcmdparser.add_argument(&_second_arg);
>>> _dcmdparser.add_argument(&_optional_arg);
>>> };
>>> The add_dcmd_argument()/ add_dcmd_option() method is used to add an
>>> argument/option to the parser. The option/argument constructor takes the
>>> name of the option/argument, its description, a string describing its
>>> type and a boolean to specify if the option/argument is mandatory or
>>> not. The parser doesn't support option/argument duplicates (having the
>>> same name) but the code currently doesn't check for duplicates.The order
>>> used to register options has no impact on the parser. However, the order
>>> used to register arguments is critical because the parser will use the
>>> same order to parse the command line. In the example above, the parser
>>> expects to have a first argument of type STRING (parsed using
>>> _first_arg), then a second argument of type INTEGER (parsed using
>>> _second_arg) and optionally a third parameter of type STRING (parsed
>>> using _optional_arg). A mandatory option or argument has to be specify
>>> every time the command is invoked. If it is missing, an exception is
>>> thrown at the end of the parsing. Optional arguments have to be
>>> registered after mandatory arguments. An optional argument will be
>>> considered for parsing only if all arguments before it (mandatory or
>>> not) have already been used to parse the command line.
>>> The DCmdParser and its DCmdArgument instances are embedded in the DCmd
>>> instance. The rational for this design is to limit the number of C-heap
>>> allocations but also to be able to pre-allocate diagnostic command
>>> instances for critical situations. If the process is running out of
>>> C-heap space, it's not possible to instantiate new diagnostic commands
>>> to troubleshoot the situation. By pre-allocating some diagnostic
>>> commands, it will be possible to run them even in this critical
>>> situation. Of course, the diagnostic command itself should not try to
>>> allocate memory during its execution, this prevents the diagnostic
>>> command to use variable length arguments like strings. By nature,
>>> pre-allocated diagnostic commands aim to be re-usable, this is the
>>> purpose of the reset() method which restores the default status of all
>>> arguments.
>>> 1-4 Internal invocation
>>> Using a diagnostic command from the JVM itself is pretty easy:
>>> instantiate the class and invoke the parse() method then the execute()
>>> method. A diagnostic command can be instantiated from inside the JVM
>>> even it is not registered. This is a difference with the external
>>> invocations (from jcmd or JMX) that require the command to be
>>> registered.
>>> 2 - The JCmd interface
>>> Diagnostic commands can also be invoked from outside the JVM process,
>>> using the new 'jcmd' utility. The jcmd program uses the attach API
>>> to connect to the JVM, send requests and receive results. The
>>> jcmd utility must be launched on the same machine than the one running
>>> the JVM (its a local tool). Launched without arguments, jcmd displays a
>>> list of all JVMs running on the machine. The jcmd source code is in
>>> the jdk repository like other existing j* tools.
>>> To execute a diagnostic command in a particular JVM, the generic
>>> syntax is:
>>> jcmd <pid_of_the_jvm> <command_name> [arguments]
>>> The attachListener has been modified to recognized the jcmd requests.
>>> When a jcmd request is identified, it is parsed to extract the command
>>> name. The JVM performs a look up of this command in a list of registered
>>> commands. To be executable by an external request, a diagnostic command
>>> has to be registered. The registration is performed with the DCmdFactory
>>> class (see services/management.cpp).
>>> 3 - The JMX interface
>>> The framework provides a JMX based interface to the diagnostic commands.
>>> This interface allows remote invocation of diagnostic commands through a
>>> JMX connection.
>>> 3-1 The interface
>>> The information related to the diagnostic commands are accessible
>>> through new methods added to the
>>> public List<String> getDiagnosticCommands();
>>> public DiagnosticCommandInfo getDiagnosticCommandInfo(String command);
>>> public List<DiagnosticCommandInfo> getDiagnosticCommandInfo(List<String>
>>> command);
>>> public List<DiagnosticCommandInfo> getDiagnosticCommandInfo();
>>> public String execute(String commandLine) throws
>>> IllegalArgumentException ;
>>> public String execute(String cmd, String... arguments)
>>> throws IllegalArgumentException;
>>> The getDiagnosticCommands() method returns an array containing the names
>>> of the not-hidden registered diagnostic commands.
>>> The three getDiagnosticCommandInfo() methods return one or several
>>> diagnostic command descriptions using the DiagnosticCommandInfo class.
>>> The two execute() methods allow the user the invoke a diagnostic command
>>> in different ways.
>>> The DiagnosticCommandInfo class is describing a diagnostic command with
>>> the following information:
>>> public class DiagnosticCommandInfo {
>>> public String getName();
>>> public String getDescription();
>>> public String getImpact();
>>> public boolean isEnabled();
>>> public List<DiagnosticCommandArgumentInfo> getArgumentsInfo();
>>> }
>>> The getName() method returns the name of the diagnostic command. This
>>> name is the one to use in execute() methods to invoke the diagnostic
>>> command.
>>> The getDescription() method returns a general description of the
>>> diagnostic command.
>>> The getImpact() method returns a description of the intrusiveness of
>>> diagnostic command.
>>> The isEnabled() method returns true if the method is enabled, false if
>>> it is disabled. A disabled method cannot be executed.
>>> The getArgumentsInfo() returns a list of descriptions for the options or
>>> arguments recognized by the diagnostic command. Each option/argument is
>>> described by a DiagnosticCommandArgumentInfo instance:
>>> public class DiagnosticCommandArgumentInfo {
>>> public String getName();
>>> public String getDescription();
>>> public String getType();
>>> public String getDefault();
>>> public boolean isMandatory();
>>> public boolean isOption();
>>> public int getPosition();
>>> }
>>> If the DiagnosticCommandArgumentInfo instance describes an option,
>>> isOption() returns true and getPosition() returns -1. Otherwise, when
>>> the DiagnosticCommandArgumentInfo instance describes an argument,
>>> isOption() returns false and getPosition() returns the expected position
>>> for this argument. The position of an argument is defined relatively to
>>> all arguments passed on the command line, options are not considered
>>> when defining an argument position. The getDefault() method returns the
>>> default value of the argument if a default has been defined, otherwise
>>> it returns null.
>>> 3-2 The implementation
>>> The framework has been designed in a way that prevents diagnostic
>>> command developers to worry about the JMX interface. In addition to
>>> the methods described in section 1-2, a diagnostic command developer has
>>> to provide three methods:
>>> int get_num_arguments()
>>> which returns the number of option and arguments supported by the
>>> command.
>>> GrowableArray<const char *>* get_argument_name_array()
>>> which provides the name of the arguments supported by the command.
>>> GrowableyArray<DCmdArgumentInfo*>* get_argument_info_array()
>>> which provides the description of each argument with a DCmdArgumentInfo
>>> instance. DCmdArgumentInfo is a C++ class used by the framework to
>>> generate the instances. This is done
>>> automatically and the diagnostic command developer doesn't need to know
>>> how to create Java objects from the runtime.
>>> 4 - The Diagnostic Commands
>>> To avoid name collisions between diagnostic commands coming from
>>> different projects, use of a flat name space should be avoided and
>>> a more structured organization is recommended. The framework itself
>>> doesn't depend on this organization, so it will be a set of rules
>>> defining a convention in the way commands are named.
>>> Diagnostic commands can easily organized in a hierarchical way, so the
>>> template for a command name can be:
>>> <domain>.[sub-domain.]<command>
>>> This template can be extended with sub-sub-domains and so on.
>>> A special set of commands without domain will be reserved for the
>>> commands related to the diagnostic framework itself, like the "help"
>>> command.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Fred

Frederic Parain - Oracle
Grenoble Engineering Center - France
Phone: +33 4 76 18 81 17
Email: Frederic.Parain at

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