code review request for Redefine and Retransform Classes memory leak (7121600, 7122253)

Poonam Bajaj poonam.bajaj at
Wed Dec 21 20:40:45 PST 2011

Hi Dan,

I have looked at both the JDK and the Hotspot changes, so you can add me 
as reviewer for both.

I especially like the class_load_kind addition to the following trace.

  856     RC_TRACE_WITH_THREAD(0x00000001, THREAD,
  857       ("loading name=%s kind=%d (avail_mem=" UINT64_FORMAT "K)",
  858       the_class->external_name(), _class_load_kind,
  859       os::available_memory() >> 10));


On 12/22/2011 8:53 AM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
> Poonam,
> I forgot to ask whether to put you down as a reviewer for both
> the JDK fix and the HSX fix... so JDK only or both JDK and HSX?
> Dan
> On 12/21/11 8:22 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>> On 12/21/11 8:05 PM, Poonam Bajaj wrote:
>>> Hi Dan,
>>> In the following block (in JPLISAgent.c):
>>> /1278                 if (!errorOccurred) {
>>> 1279                     jvmtiError  errorCode = JVMTI_ERROR_NONE;
>>> 1280                     errorCode = 
>>> (*jvmtienv)->RedefineClasses(jvmtienv, numDefs, classDefs);
>>> 1281                     if (errorCode == JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE) {
>>> 1282                         /* insulate caller from the wrong phase 
>>> error */
>>> 1283                         errorCode = JVMTI_ERROR_NONE;
>>> 1284                     } else {
>>> 1285                         errorOccurred = (errorCode != 
>>> 1286                         if ( errorOccurred ) {
>>> 1287                             
>>> createAndThrowThrowableFromJVMTIErrorCode(jnienv, errorCode);
>>> 1288                         }
>>> 1289                     }
>>> 1290                 }/
>>> If RedefineClasses() fails here then 
>>> createAndThrowThrowableFromJVMTIErrorCode() is being called. At the 
>>> point we would have filled data (upto the value of index 'i') into 
>>> classDefs and targetFiles but in case of RedefineClasses failure, 
>>> those will not get freed. Is that correct ?
>> No that is not correct and it fooled me also!
>> The createAndThrowThrowableFromJVMTIErrorCode() call
>> does create and throw a throwable Java object, but the
>> redefineClasses() function does not stop executing at
>> that point. It finishes what it was doing, freeing
>> memory that needs to be freed before returning at the
>> end of the function. Darn C-code doesn't behave like
>> Java code. :-)
>> Dan
>>> Thanks,
>>> Poonam
>>> On 12/22/2011 4:46 AM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>> On 12/21/11 4:07 PM, Karen Kinnear wrote:
>>>>> Dan,
>>>>> Thank you for the quick fix -
>>>> You're welcome. I'm trying to get this off my plate before
>>>> I leave for the holidays... so not exactly altruistic... :-)
>>>>>   I echo Coleen's sentiments of wondering how
>>>>> you managed to find the problem(s).
>>>> I'll send a reply on that topic later...
>>>>> On Dec 21, 2011, at 5:41 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>>>> Karen,
>>>>>> Thanks for the quick review! Replies in-lined below...
>>>>>> On 12/21/11 2:47 PM, Karen Kinnear wrote:
>>>>>>> Dan,
>>>>>>> All versions of hotspot changes look good.
>>>>>> Thanks! Are you OK if I don't wait for someone from the new
>>>>>> Serviceability team on this review? Serguei has already left
>>>>>> for the holidays... and I told him to ignore any e-mails from
>>>>>> me :-)
>>>>> Yes - go for it. Given the holiday timing and how critical this fix
>>>>> is - you have reviews from Coleen and from me.
>>>> I have two HSX reviews (yeah!) and I have one JDK review.
>>>> I need one more JDK review...
>>>>>>> For the JDK and test side:
>>>>>>> 1) minor: JPLISAgent.c - new lines 1210-1212 might just be an } 
>>>>>>> else {
>>>>>> Nice catch! This line:
>>>>>> 1212         if (!errorOccurred) {
>>>>>> should change back to:
>>>>>> 1212         else {
>>>>>> I missed that when I was backing out some more complicated
>>>>>> stuff that I gave up on.
>>>>>> Fixed in all three versions.
>>>>>>> 2) new lines 1311-1312
>>>>>>>      Why do you break if an error occurred?
>>>>>> Because I was trying to match the existing style
>>>>>> too much. The for-loop from lines 1235-1276 does
>>>>>> that: if I have an error, then break...
>>>>>>>      If there is a reason to stop freeing memory, would that 
>>>>>>> also apply if
>>>>>>>      you already had had an error? So you would want to check a 
>>>>>>> new cleanuperrorOccurred
>>>>>>>      regardless of pre-existing error?
>>>>>>>      But I suspect leaving out the break would make more sense.
>>>>>> For this block:
>>>>>> 1304                         /*
>>>>>> 1305                          * Only check for error if we didn't 
>>>>>> already have one
>>>>>> 1306                          * so we don't overwrite errorOccurred.
>>>>>> 1307                          */
>>>>>> 1308                         if (!errorOccurred) {
>>>>>> 1309                             errorOccurred = 
>>>>>> checkForThrowable(jnienv);
>>>>>> 1310                             jplis_assert(!errorOccurred);
>>>>>> 1311                             if (errorOccurred) {
>>>>>> 1312                                 break;
>>>>>> 1313                             }
>>>>>> 1314                         }
>>>>>> I'm going to delete lines 1311-1313 so we'll just try to keep
>>>>>> freeing as many of the memory arrays as we can...
>>>>> Thanks - I prefer that solution.
>>>> I figured you might...
>>>>>> Fixed in all three versions.
>>>>>> On a related note, jplis_assert() appears to be enabled even
>>>>>> in product bits. Which means if one of the many jplis_assert()
>>>>>> calls fails, then the agent terminates. I don't know the history
>>>>>> behind it being enabled in all bits, but I figure that's a
>>>>>> different issue for the Serviceability team to mull on...
>>>>> I wondered about that, but it seemed consistent with existing
>>>>> usage  - so I agree.
>>>> Glad we're on the same page!
>>>> Dan
>>>>>> Thanks again for the review.
>>>>>> Dan
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> Karen
>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>> Karen
>>>>>>> On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:09 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>>>>> This is a code review request for "day one" memory leaks in
>>>>>>>> the java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation.redefineClasses()
>>>>>>>> and JVM/TI RetransformClasses() APIs.
>>>>>>>> Since one leak is in the JDK and the other leak is in the
>>>>>>>> VM, I'm sending out separate webrevs for each repo. I'm also
>>>>>>>> attacking these leaks in three releases in parallel so there
>>>>>>>> is a pair of webrevs for: JDK6u29, JDK7u4 and JDK8. Yes, I'm
>>>>>>>> trying to get this all done before Christmas!
>>>>>>>> Here are the bug links:
>>>>>>>>     7121600 2/3 Instrumentation.redefineClasses() leaks class 
>>>>>>>> bytes
>>>>>>>>     7122253 2/3 Instrumentation.retransformClasses() leaks 
>>>>>>>> class bytes
>>>>>>>> I don't know why the links aren't showing up yet...
>>>>>>>> I think it is best to review the JDK7u4/HSX-23-B06 webrevs first.
>>>>>>>> Here are the webrevs for the JDK6u29/HSX-20 version of the fixes:
>>>>>>>> I expect the OpenJDK6 version of the fixes to very similar if not
>>>>>>>> identical to the JDK6u29 version. I haven't been tracking the
>>>>>>>> OpenJDK6 project as closely as I used to so I don't know whether
>>>>>>>> these fixes should go back there also.
>>>>>>>> Here are the webrevs for the JDK7u4/HSX-23-B06 version of the 
>>>>>>>> fixes:
>>>>>>>> The JDK7u4 JLI code has some other, unrelated fixes relative to
>>>>>>>> the JDK6u29 JLI code. That required a very minor change in my fix
>>>>>>>> to JPLISAgent.c to insulate against unexpected JVM/TI phase values
>>>>>>>> in a slightly different way than the original JDK7u4 code.
>>>>>>>> Also, JDK7u4 was updated to the HSX-23-B08 snapshot last night, 
>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>> I baselined and tested the fix against HSX-23-B06 so I'm 
>>>>>>>> sending out
>>>>>>>> the webrev for what I actually used.
>>>>>>>> Here are the webrevs for the JDK8/HSX-23-B08 version of the fixes:
>>>>>>>> The JDK7u4 and JDK8 versions of the fix for 7121600 are identical.
>>>>>>>> The HSX-23-B06 and HSX-23-B08 versions of the fix for 7122253 are
>>>>>>>> also identical.
>>>>>>>> I've run the following test suites:
>>>>>>>> - VM/NSK jvmti, VM/NSK jvmti_unit
>>>>>>>> - VM/NSK jdwp
>>>>>>>> - SDK/JDK com/sun/jdi, SDK/JDK closed/com/sun/jdi, VM/NSK jdi
>>>>>>>> - SDK/JDK java/lang/instrument
>>>>>>>> - VM/NSK hprof, VM/NSK jdb, VM/NSK sajdi
>>>>>>>> - VM/NSK heapdump
>>>>>>>> - SDK/JDK misc_attach, SDK/JDK misc_jvmstat, SDK/JDK misc_tools
>>>>>>>> on the following configs:
>>>>>>>> - {Client VM, Server VM} x {product, fastdebug} x {-Xmixed, 
>>>>>>>> -Xcomp}
>>>>>>>> - Solaris X86 JDK6u29/HSX-20 (done - no regressions)
>>>>>>>> - Solaris X86 JDK7u4/HSX-23-B06 (done - no regressions)
>>>>>>>> - WinXP JDK7u4/HSX-23-B06 (in process, no regressions so far)
>>>>>>>> - Solaris X86 JDK8/HSX-23-B08 (just started)
>>>>>>>> - WinXP JDK8/HSX-23-B08 (not yet started)
>>>>>>>> Thanks, in advance, for any feedback...
>>>>>>>> Dan
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