
David Holmes David.Holmes at
Mon Feb 14 17:12:48 PST 2011

Dmytro Sheyko said the following on 02/15/11 03:49:
> I can see that such system property as "sun.cpu.isalist" is not set on 
> Linux, but it is set on Solaris and Windows.
> What is the purpose of this property and shouldn't it be set on Linux as 
> well?

I don't see the property actually being used anywhere these days. No 
idea what it may have been used for other than printing the property for 
information (there's a Java2D demo that does that).

Is there an API on Linux that will provide the information? Both Solaris 
and Windows have a "sys info" call that can provide this information. 
But Linux sysinfo is something different.


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