Attaching to local JVM on Windows

Dmytro Sheyko dmytro_sheyko at
Wed Mar 23 10:11:48 PDT 2011

Thanks Alan,

Unfortunately, I can't see this bug report. I seems it isn't available for public.

Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 17:00:23 +0000
From: Alan.Bateman at
To: dmytro_sheyko at
CC: serviceability-dev at
Subject: Re: Attaching to local JVM on Windows


Dmytro Sheyko wrote:



On Windows x64 such tools as jconsole are unable to connect to 32bit
JVM if they are launched on 64bit JVM and vice versa (32bit JVM can't
attach 64bit JVM).

This is tracked as 6277710. One suggested approach is a provider that
uses a helper executable and the existing mechanism rather than
creating a new mechanism, it's just that nobody ever got to
implementing it.


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