Request for review (JVMTI spec, small)

David Holmes David.Holmes at
Thu May 5 18:06:05 PDT 2011

Daniel D. Daugherty said the following on 05/06/11 01:15:
> I think that reference to 5.3.1 is correct. The previous line:
>    Removed incorrect statement in GetClassloaderClasses
> tends to indicate that this was a class loader issue. So the
> reference to the BootstapClassLoader is probably right.

I agree. Looks like the original URL was in error (ie the name of the 
file doesn't match its contents).


> Dan
> On 5/5/2011 8:50 AM, Keith McGuigan wrote:
>>> This one seems to refer to the wrong Chapter/Section - Constant pool 
>>> should be 4.4
>> Actually hold on a sec:  The original URL: 
>> Does refer to chapter 5.3.1.  Do you think the original URL is wrong?  
>> I don't know what "line" the comment is referring to so I'll likely 
>> just leave this as it is and it can be clarified later.
>> -- 
>> - Keith
>>> *** 13839,13849 ****
>>>        Clarify that stack frames are JVM Spec frames.
>>>        Split can_get_source_info into can_get_source_file_name, 
>>> can_get_line_numbers,
>>>        and can_get_source_debug_extension.
>>>        PopFrame cannot have a native calling method.
>>>        Removed incorrect statement in GetClassloaderClasses
>>> !       (see 
>>>    </change>
>>>    <change date="24 July 2003" version="v79">
>>>        XML and text fixes.
>>>        Move stack frame description into Stack Frame category.
>>>    </change>
>>> --- 13807,13817 ----
>>>        Clarify that stack frames are JVM Spec frames.
>>>        Split can_get_source_info into can_get_source_file_name, 
>>> can_get_line_numbers,
>>>        and can_get_source_debug_extension.
>>>        PopFrame cannot have a native calling method.
>>>        Removed incorrect statement in GetClassloaderClasses
>>> !       (see <vmspec chapter="5.3.1"/>).
>>> Otherwise seems fine - though I don't claim to be fluent in xml :)
>>> David

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