6941923: RFE: Handling large log files produced by long running Java Applications

Yasumasa Suenaga suenaga.yasumasa at oss.ntt.co.jp
Sun Sep 11 18:18:36 PDT 2011


I'm using "logrotate" tool on RHEL for various log rotation.
Now, HotSpot has gclog rotation function for log size base.
However, I need to rotate gc log synchronizing with logrotate tool.

So, I've made a patch for executing gclog rotation from external tool.

 * Changes in HotSpot (hotspot.patch):
  * gclog rotation request is received via AttachListener.
  * logrotation function ( rotatingFileStream::rotate_log() ) has
    1 parameter. It's determined that gclog rotation is forced or not.
  * HotSpot allows "GCLogFileSize == 0" . Because we can rotate gclog
    via external tool.

 * Changes in JDK (jdk.patch):
  * gclog rotation is invoked via "jinfo" command with "-rotategclog"
  * With "-rotategclog -force" option, gclog is rotated mandatorily.
  * "jinfo" is executed "rotategclog" command in AttachListener on
    target JVM.

I've attached these patch in this email. Please check it.

I would like to contribute this patch, and I hope to apply this patch to
JDK 6 / 7 / 8.

Please cooperate.

Best regards,

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