Request for review: 7012206

David Holmes David.Holmes at
Mon Sep 19 22:05:28 PDT 2011

Thanks Alan. Other failures haven't shown up thus far so for now we'll just 
address these ones (it improves the pass rate somewhat :) ).

Could I get a second review from someone in serviceability?


On 19/09/2011 6:57 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> David Holmes wrote:
>> This a change to a bunch of serviceability tests (shell scripts that
>> launch the various j* tools (jps, jstatd, jstack etc)) that I'd like to
>> push through the TL JDK repo.
>> The changes were done by Carlos Lucasius but I'm acting as his "sponsor"
>> for getting these pushed.
>> webrev:
>> Summary: for correct operation the tools and/or the VM they target must be
>> running with UsePerfData enabled. This VM option is enabled in Java SE by
>> default, but is disabled in Java SE Embedded by default. To allow the
>> tests to be used regardless of the UsePerfdata setting they are augmented
>> to explicitly turn it on.
>> There has been some prior internal debate around how "best" to deal with
>> this issue and the resulting changes, while somewhat repetitive, are the
>> simplest approach to take.
>> There is one test - jps/ - that can not pass with such a fix
>> because it is actually trying to test the jps output when no arguments (VM
>> or application) are passed to the target VM. So for that test I've just
>> added a comment.
> This one reminds me that we need to go over all our shell tests so that they
> pass $TESTVMOPTS through to all VMs that they create. Otherwise we aren't
> always testing what we think we are testing.
> The changes in the webrev look fine to me but I would have expected to see
> tests other than the jvmstat stats, for example the tests in
> com/sun/tools/attach and sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap.
> -Alan.

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