java.awt event processing performance degradation on JRE7 - linux

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Apr 18 01:56:14 PDT 2012

On 18/04/2012 02:01, Nicolas Carranza wrote:
> Federico's patch solves  the performance regression (see:
> ). But instead of this patch I find better to change the PlatformLogger
> class: insert "if(!isLoggable(level)) return;" at the beginning of the
> method sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger.JavaLogger.doLog(int level,
> String msg, Object... params) . The string convertion affecting the
> performance is done on the PlatformLogger.JavaLogger.doLog (even when
> the message is not loggable) and it is there where the problem should be
> fixed (to be more clear and also cover more use cases). Fixing it there
> also clears why the performance regression does not happen when
> redirectPlatformLoggers has not been called (when logging is not used):
> PlatformLogger.LoggerProxy.doLog(int level, String msg, Object...
> params) does not do the string convertion  when the message is not
> loggable.
> Federico's patch has already been pushed to the jdk8 repository, when
> will it be applied to jdk7 (or my propossed change if it is preferred)?
> [ Here is a jvisualvm memory profiling snapshot of
> PerformanceRegresionTest3:
> . ]
> Cheers,
> Nicolas
I'm curious to know if you have you re-tested the performance with a 
recent build of 8 or 7u4 that has the AWT fix? It would be interesting 
to see then if the checking the logging level make an observable 
difference or not.


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