Code Review fix for 8005044 remove crufty '_g' support from HS runtime code

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at
Wed Dec 19 09:56:20 PST 2012

Closing the loop on this question that I asked earlier:

> Just curious, when gamma was renamed to hotspot on Windows, that
> change wasn't made on Linux on Solaris. Any particular reason? 

On Solaris there is a "hotspot" shell script and a "gamma" binary.
I suspect the same it true for Linux (and possibly MacOS).


On 12/19/12 8:22 AM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
> On 12/19/12 1:27 AM, Staffan Larsen wrote:
>> On 18 dec 2012, at 22:11, Daniel D. Daugherty 
>> <daniel.daugherty at> wrote:
>>> Just for the record: I have reviewed all of Ron's changes
>>> and I approve them.
>>> One thing I noticed of interest to launcher folks that
>>> is not due to any changes that Ron made:
>>> src/os/windows/vm/os_windows.cpp:
>>> 1718 // Find the full path to the current module, jvm.dll
>>> 1719 void os::jvm_path(char *buf, jint buflen) {
>>> 1720   // Error checking.
>>> 1721   if (buflen < MAX_PATH) {
>>> 1722     assert(false, "must use a large-enough buffer");
>>> 1723     buf[0] = '\0';
>>> 1724     return;
>>> 1725   }
>>> 1726   // Lazy resolve the path to current module.
>>> 1727   if (saved_jvm_path[0] != 0) {
>>> 1728     strcpy(buf, saved_jvm_path);
>>> 1729     return;
>>> 1730   }
>>> 1731
>>> 1732   buf[0] = '\0';
>>> 1733   if (Arguments::created_by_gamma_launcher()) {
>>> 1734      // Support for the gamma launcher. Check for an
>>> 1735      // JAVA_HOME environment variable
>>> 1736      // and fix up the path so it looks like
>>> 1737      // is installed there (append a fake suffix
>>> 1738      // hotspot/
>>> 1739      char* java_home_var = ::getenv("JAVA_HOME");
>>> 1740      if (java_home_var != NULL && java_home_var[0] != 0) {
>>> 1741
>>> 1742         strncpy(buf, java_home_var, buflen);
>>> 1743
>>> 1744         // determine if this is a legacy image or modules image
>>> 1745         // modules image doesn't have "jre" subdirectory
>>> 1746         size_t len = strlen(buf);
>>> 1747         char* jrebin_p = buf + len;
>>> 1748         jio_snprintf(jrebin_p, buflen-len, "\\jre\\bin\\");
>>> 1749         if (0 != _access(buf, 0)) {
>>> 1750           jio_snprintf(jrebin_p, buflen-len, "\\bin\\");
>>> 1751         }
>>> 1752         len = strlen(buf);
>>> 1753         jio_snprintf(buf + len, buflen-len, "hotspot\\jvm.dll");
>>> 1754      }
>>> 1755   }
>>> 1756
>>> 1757   if(buf[0] == '\0') {
>>> 1758   GetModuleFileName(vm_lib_handle, buf, buflen);
>>> 1759   }
>>> 1760   strcpy(saved_jvm_path, buf);
>>> 1761 }
>>> the block from line 1733 -> 1755 is dead code on Windows.
>>> The launcher on Windows is now called "hotspot" and is not
>>> called "gamma" so Arguments::created_by_gamma_launcher()
>>> will not return true on Windows.
>>> And one more launcher nit:
>>> $ grep gamma make/windows/makefiles/launcher.make
>>>     /D LAUNCHER_TYPE=\"gamma\" \
>> Isn't it this line that makes it work? 
>> Arguments::created_by_gamma_launcher() essentially checks that 
>> is set. And the LAUNCHER_TYPE=gamma is what 
>> sets I think, but I may be missing something?
>> Thanks,
>> /Staffan
> Nope you weren't missing anything. I was thinking process name
> is "hotspot" instead of looking more closely at how the launcher
> origin was determined.
> Just curious, when gamma was renamed to hotspot on Windows, that
> change wasn't made on Linux on Solaris. Any particular reason?
> Gory details below...
> Dan
> Chasing it back...
> src/os/windows/vm/os_windows.cpp:
>    1733   if (Arguments::created_by_gamma_launcher()) {
> src/share/vm/runtime/arguments.cpp:
>    1671 bool Arguments::created_by_gamma_launcher() {
>    1672   return _created_by_gamma_launcher;
>    1673 }
>    1659 void Arguments::process_java_launcher_argument(const char* 
> launcher, void* extra_info) {
>    1660   _sun_java_launcher = strdup(launcher);
>    1661   if (strcmp("gamma", _sun_java_launcher) == 0) {
>    1662     _created_by_gamma_launcher = true;
>    1663   }
>    1664 }
>     126 // Process java launcher properties.
>     127 void 
> Arguments::process_sun_java_launcher_properties(JavaVMInitArgs* args) {
>     128   // See if or is 
> defined.
>     129   // Must do this before setting up other system properties,
>     130   // as some of them may depend on launcher type.
>     131   for (int index = 0; index < args->nOptions; index++) {
>     132     const JavaVMOption* option = args->options + index;
>     133     const char* tail;
>     134
>     135     if (match_option(option, "", &tail)) {
>     136       process_java_launcher_argument(tail, option->extraInfo);
>     137       continue;
>     138     }
> src/share/tools/launcher/java.c:
>    1659 /*
>    1660  * JVM would like to know if it's created by a standard Sun 
> launcher, or by
>    1661  * user native application, the following property indicates 
> the former.
>    1662  */
>    1663 void SetJavaLauncherProp() {
>    1664   AddOption("" LAUNCHER_TYPE, NULL);
>    1665 }
> make/windows/makefiles/launcher.make
>      27         /D FULL_VERSION=\"$(HOTSPOT_RELEASE_VERSION)\" \
>      28         /D JDK_MAJOR_VERSION=\"$(JDK_MAJOR_VERSION)\" \
>      29         /D JDK_MINOR_VERSION=\"$(JDK_MINOR_VERSION)\" \
>      30         /D GAMMA \
>      31         /D LAUNCHER_TYPE=\"gamma\" \

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