Request for review: 7141739: [osx] Local attach fails if is set

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at
Wed Feb 1 15:01:35 PST 2012

Forgot to say: Thumbs up!


On 2/1/12 3:59 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
> On 2/1/12 9:05 AM, Staffan Larsen wrote:
>> Please review the following change.
>> webrev:
>> bug:
>> This is a followup of bug 7132199 which is fixed in jdk8 and jdk7u-dev.
>> If the user sets to something else than /tmp, the 
>> attach framework will fail (for example jstack). The reason is that 
>> Hotspot and the jdk does not agree on which directory the well-known 
>> .java_pid and .attach_pid files should be in. On OSX Hotspot will 
>> always create these in the per-user secure temporary directory, but 
>> the jdk will look in
>> This fix makes sure the jdk looks in the same location as Hotspot.
>> Thanks,
>> /Staffan
> Please update copyright years to 2012.
> src/solaris/classes/sun/tools/attach/
>     line 73: Always creates the ".attach_pid" file in tmpdir.
>         The HSX side matches this and always looks for the
>         ".attach_pid" file in tmpdir. Perhaps we should change
>         Linux and Solaris to always create and look for the
>         ".attach_pid" file in tmpdir...
> src/solaris/native/sun/tools/attach/BsdVirtualMachine.c
>     No comments.

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