RFR: 7133124 Remove redundant packages from JAR command line

Rickard Bäckman rickard.backman at oracle.com
Thu Jan 26 04:37:51 PST 2012


that makes sense, I'll push to 8 as well.


On 01/26/2012 01:20 PM, Karen Kinnear wrote:
> Thanks Rickard.
> My guess is that if it works with all version of jar which you've tested, then it will
> be easier going forward to maintain the file consistently, and it causes no harm.
> thanks,
> Karen
> On Jan 26, 2012, at 7:03 AM, Rickard Bäckman wrote:
>> On 01/26/2012 12:53 PM, Karen Kinnear wrote:
>>> Code change looks good.
>>> I assume you want to put this fix back to JDK8 as well.
>>> thank you for the quick fix!
>>> Karen
>> Thanks for the review Karen,
>> I'm not sure about JDK8, I think it build with JDK1.7.0? Which has a fixed version of jar.
>> I'll try to find out if we need to fix it in 8 as well.
>> /R
>>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 4:44 AM, Rickard Bäckman wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> We have a problem with some versions of jar reporting errors when trying to run jar cf<some.jar>   com/test com/test/foo
>>>> This fix removes the redundant subdirectories from the command.
>>>> Webrev is here:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rbackman/7133124/webrev/
>>>> Thanks
>>>> /Rickard

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