Need reviewer: a couple of hprof fixes for Parfait

Tim Bell tim.bell at
Tue Jun 12 14:12:13 PDT 2012

On 06/12/12 13:49, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> Calling table_get_info() kind of assumes you are asking for an info structure, and that info
> structures exist. Again, no change from the way it always was.
> The only real change is get_info(), which no longer explicitly returns NULL.
> There is really nothing wrong with this hprof_table.c code, it's just a matter of getting tools
> like Fortify or Parfait to agree that there is nothing wrong. :^(
Looks good to me as well.
> I'm not so sure how I feel about twisting valid logic around to convince a static analysis tool that it is valid logic :^(
> But I guess it's just like making changes to code to get rid of benign compiler warning messages.

Agreed.  Hopefully this version will cure the Parfait complaints.


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