7153375 "jmap -histo" should output a unique identifier with each line

Takao, Shinji takao.shinji at oss.ntt.co.jp
Thu Mar 22 00:50:16 PDT 2012

Dear all,

As a trouble shooter of java programs, I have been examinig
heap object histograms for tracking down memory leaks, and 
found an inconvenience in the histograms output by jmap (-F) -histo. 
Please see the CR 7153375 for details.

And, I would like to show a quick fix for that.
Please see the attached file (for openjdk8b27 hospot).
I am not sure if it is the most appropriate way to fix that,
however, I am glad if it will be a meaningful starting point.

I am quite new to this ML, so I appreciate your assistance.


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