7153375 "jmap -histo" should output a unique identifier with each line
Takao, Shinji
takao.shinji at oss.ntt.co.jp
Thu Mar 22 18:44:38 PDT 2012
Hi Kris,
Thank you for your suggestions.
Yes, as you said, the hashCode() merely returns an address...
54 public int hashCode() {
55 // FIXME: suggestions on a better hash code?
56 return (int) addr;
57 }
You mean, so to speak, if GCs (with compaction?) on
perm gen never happen, this patch will work better,
and removing perm gen will be bound to the same situation?
If you are planning to do so, I will wait for it.
However, I wonder whether we can utilize the identity hash
or not. I guess hashing the java mirror every time
might cause a performance issue, but, for exapmle, a java
option to switch on the function to do so seems useful,,,
especially when we are in development phases of java programs.
Thank you,
> Oops, missed the link in the last mail:
> [1]:
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/hsx/hotspot-main/hotspot/file/a142c
661f6b1/agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/debugger/linux/LinuxAddress.ja> va
> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 4:50 PM, Krystal Mok
> <rednaxelafx at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Shinji,
> This patch should work better after the work on
> Permanent Generation removal is integrated into mainstream.
> For now, though, it's not guaranteed to work: Klasses are
> subject to GC, which could move around from time to time.
> You're using hashCode() from the Klass, whichi
> ultimately boils down to the value of an address in the
> current implementation of SA. See [1] for example. It may
> change from run to run if the object is moving.
> It might have been better to use the identity hash code
> of the Java mirror (the java.lang.Class instance) as the
> "identifier". Too bad, that doesn't work with SA either; if
> the Java mirror was never hash'd, SA won't be able to
> calculate its identity hash code -- which is the case most of
> the time.
> - Kris
> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Takao, Shinji
> <takao.shinji at oss.ntt.co.jp> wrote:
> Dear all,
> As a trouble shooter of java programs, I have
> been examinig
> heap object histograms for tracking down memory
> leaks, and
> found an inconvenience in the histograms output
> by jmap (-F) -histo.
> Please see the CR 7153375 for details.
> And, I would like to show a quick fix for that.
> Please see the attached file (for openjdk8b27 hospot).
> I am not sure if it is the most appropriate way
> to fix that,
> however, I am glad if it will be a meaningful
> starting point.
> I am quite new to this ML, so I appreciate your
> assistance.
> Regards,
> Shinji
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