RFR: 7165755 OS Information much longer on linux than other platforms

Mikael Vidstedt mikael.vidstedt at oracle.com
Thu May 3 05:00:51 PDT 2012

Does anybody know if there are any tests that verify the actual contents 
of the dump?


On 2012-05-02 14:08, Nils Loodin wrote:
> On May 2, 2012, at 14:00 , David Holmes wrote:
>> Hi Nils,
>> On 2/05/2012 9:56 PM, Nils Loodin wrote:
>>>> Ignoring Windows (with prints very little) I'd say it is the printing of /proc/meminfo that is the main difference. Not sure why printing that was necessary ... but if we are going to remove it I think we need to know why it was added.
>>> Yes, that's the reason.
>>> Note that nothing is removed. The method still prints exactly the same info, but I introduced another method to print briefer info, to be kinder to tool developers.
>> The current one prints /proc/meminfo. You turned that code into print_full_memory_info but in the main routine you call print_memory_info. Was that a mistake?
> YES! Glad you caught that :) Guess (or hope) it would have been caught in dump testing otherwise :)
> Regards,
> Nils Loodin
>> David
>>> I really don't want to change the output for say, hs_err files, where I believe this info is used.
>>>>> This can make it hard for tool writers to get a summary that look good and similar for multiple platforms (sizing of gui fields, having to parse info in the tool code etc)
>>>>> Lookin at the code, it's in some serious need of refactoring. It would be nice with a method to get a "brief" os info for these kinds of tools that looks similar on all platforms.
>>>>> This is my suggested change:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~nloodin/7165755/webrev.00/
>>>> Seems to me some of this could be factored into the top-level OS class if we shoehorn Windows into the same shape as the other OSes ;-)
>>> This was my first attempt also, but then a lot of empty windows-methods ensued, which was kind of ugly.
>>>> Or at least perhaps put some of the common stuff into os_posix.cpp ?
>>> There's a thought!
>>> I'll investigate that route, it could get things to look nicer.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> David
>>> Regards,
>>> Nils Loodin

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