Request for review: 7173044: Memory monitor demo hangs if MemoryUsage obj returns -1 in getMax

Erik Gahlin erik.gahlin at
Thu May 31 14:20:07 PDT 2012


I'm not an offical reviewer, but why do you initialize the array to 
1024K and not 1?

Do you get problems with lower values?

Best regards

Sean Chou skrev 2012-05-31 09:17:
> Hi all,
>     MemoryMonitor demo will hang if MemoryUsage obj returns -1 
> in getMax method.
> The demo obtains totalMemory from getMax method, and it is used in 
> following loop:
> "    // .. Memory Free ..
>      big.setColor(mfColor);
>      int MemUsage = (int) (((totalMemory - usedMemory) / totalMemory) 
> * 10);
>      int i = 0;
>      for ( ; i < MemUsage ; i++) {
>           mfRect.setRect(x1+5,(float) y1+ssH+i*blockHeight,
>                     blockWidth, blockHeight-1);
>           big.fill(mfRect);
>      }
> "
>    If -1 is returned, MemUsage becomes a very large positive value and 
> the loop hangs
> the demo.
>    The bug is not seen in current openjdk because the beans returned 
> all has a Max
> value returned. However, -1 is allowed by spec when Max is not set for 
> the bean, and
> other jdk might return.
>    In the patch, max is set to 1m or the max memory usage in history 
> for the bean
> if there is no max specified. Please take a look.
> Bug:
> Webrev: 
> <>  .
> -- 
> Best Regards,
> Sean Chou

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