jmx-dev Review Request: 7195779 javax/management/remote/mandatory/threads/ fail intermittently

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Oct 4 08:42:15 PDT 2012

On 04/10/2012 16:28, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
> :
> This is a follow-up. I've prepared the patch and put it on github -
> I wonder who else should be included in the review process since I am
> changing the IIOP generator code. Also, I didn't find any tests in the
> corba repository. Which test suite is appropriate to run after changing
> the corba related code?
> -JB-
I don't mind being reviewer and sponsor for this. Also cc'ing Sean as he 
is one of the maintainers of the corba code. I don't think the corba 
tests are in OpenJDK, at least I don't think Oracle has contributed its 
tests for this area.

I think your change looks okay and I assume you've at least run the JMX 
tests that use RMI-IIOP to verify that the intermittent NPE is gone and 
those tests now pass reliably.

Minor comment but if I were doing this myself then I probably would have 
added this instead:
p.pln(getName(theType) + " target =;");

You'll see lots of examples of this in the core libs and j.u.c.

Also as target is now volatile then I'm not sure why you synchronized 
around target=null, perhaps there is other code generated in the tie 
class that I don't see?

Otherwise it's great to get issue finally resolved.


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