[PATCH] JDK-6783290: MBeanInfo/MBeanFeatureInfo has inconsistent readObject/writeObject

Jaroslav Bachorik jaroslav.bachorik at oracle.com
Wed Oct 10 01:40:01 PDT 2012

I am looking for a review and a sponsor for this fix.

The issue is about an empty array of descriptors being written as a part
of the serialization process but not read when deserializing an
MBeanInfo/MBeanFeatureInfo instance. While the current ObjectInputStream
skips all unread custom written fields it is not a behaviour required by
the specification and may cause problems.

The patch makes the array to be read in all cases - even when it is
known to be an empty one. That way all that has been written as a part
of serialization is read back.

The webrev with the fix and test is available @


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