[PATCH] JDK-6705499: Bad JMXConnectorProvider class name prevents all connections - even with standard RMI connector

Jaroslav Bachorik jaroslav.bachorik at oracle.com
Wed Oct 24 07:15:34 PDT 2012

I am looking for review and a sponsor.

Webrev is available at

The issue is caused by the way the java.util.ServiceLoader treats the
service registration with incorrect class names. Such a service
registration causes java.util.ServiceConfigurationError to be thrown and
the JMXConnector(Server)Factory is not ready for this. Thanks to the
exception all the other, potentially valid, service registrations are

The patch makes JMXConnector(Server)Factory class ready for
java.util.ServiceConfigurationError and when such an exception is caught
the factory just proceeds to the next registration. If the only
available registration causes the exception it will be rethrown at the end.



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