Review Request: 7195779 javax/management/remote/mandatory/threads/ fail intermittently
Jaroslav Bachorik
jaroslav.bachorik at
Wed Sep 19 06:16:35 PDT 2012
On Wed 19 Sep 2012 03:06:05 PM CEST, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 19/09/2012 13:39, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
>> The fails in cca. 30-40% of runs with NPE in the part
>> testing IIOP connection.
>> The failure is caused by the JMX notification processing - ideally, once
>> the RMIConnector is closed the client JMX notification processing should
>> quit as well and should not try to fetch any more notifications over the
>> already closed remote connection. But achieving this is particularly
>> difficult mostly due to the synchronous nature of the
>> fetchNotifications() method. The RMIConnector can get closed after the
>> fetchNotifications() method was entered but before attempting to invoke
>> its remote counterpart. At this moment the remote connection is
>> effectively closed and any attempt to use it will throw an exception - a
>> NPE in this case.
>> The patch does not solve the core problem as it would probably require
>> significant changes in the client JMX notification processing - rather
>> it targets the NPE which becomes expected when the RMIConnector is
>> closed. This is handled by adding a new "catch (NullPointerException)"
>> block and, inside that block, checking for the connection state and
>> rethrowing the exception in case the connection is still open
>> (RMIConnector is started). For any other state of RMIConnector the NPE
>> is ignored.
>> The webrev is located at:
> This webrev looks to be Oracle internal so folks on this list will not
> be able to look at it.
Ok, I am attaching the change ( attachment seems to be too big
for the mailing list):
2012-09-19 14:23:56.966032400 +0200
2012-09-19 14:23:56.814032403 +0200
@@ -594,6 +594,18 @@
return nr;
+ } catch (NullPointerException e) {
+ synchronized(ClientNotifForwarder.this) {
+ if (state == STARTED) {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ /* When the attached RMIConnector is detached a NPE
+ can occur since the remote connection closes in
the middle
+ of fetchNotifs() execution.
+ The NPE can be safely ignored in that case.
+ */
+ return null;
+ }
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
logger.trace("NotifFetcher.fetchNotifs", e);
return fetchOneNotif();
> In any case, I'm not sure that catching the NPE is a good idea as it
> seems to be masking the real problem. At the lower level then would it
I don't like ignoring an exception as well. But fixing the processing
logic will take substantially longer time as I am not really familiar
with the code. Perhaps adding the test to ProblemList.txt would be
appropriate then?
> be possible to have an IOException thrown if the connection is closed?
Not really - the NPE is thrown within the IIOP generated TIE class. I
really don't feel like sticking my fingers into the CORBA code. The
application code just receives the NPE.
> -Alan.
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