RFR(XXS): 8012714: Assign the unique traceid directly to the Klass upon creation

Markus Grönlund markus.gronlund at oracle.com
Sun Apr 21 11:14:34 PDT 2013

Thanks Staffan!




From: Staffan Larsen 
Sent: den 21 april 2013 20:09
To: Markus Grönlund
Cc: serviceability-dev at openjdk.java.net; hotspot-runtime-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: RFR(XXS): 8012714: Assign the unique traceid directly to the Klass upon creation


Looks good!




On 19 apr 2013, at 20:43, Markus Grönlund <HYPERLINK "mailto:markus.gronlund at oracle.com"markus.gronlund at oracle.com> wrote:



Kindly asking for reviews for this very simple change.









The Event Based tracing framework assigns a unique traceid to Klass:es. 

This id should be assigned to the Klass directly upon creation to have it available as early as possible. In addition, in assigning it in the creation expression, this will increase coverage by also incorporate tracing for subklasses such as typeArrayKlasses.



Thank you


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