jmx-dev [PING] Re: [PATCH] JDK-7199324: IPv6 JMXConnectorServer.getConnectionIDs() return IDs contradicting address grammar

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Apr 25 07:49:52 PDT 2013

On 25/04/2013 15:35, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
> Reviving the review process.
> I still need an official openjdk reviewer for this.
> Thanks,
> -JB-
Just so I understand, the issue is that RemoteServer.getClientHost is 
returning a String with an IPv6 literal address so you need to enclose 
it in [] when building the connection id. That seems reasonable to me. A 
minor comment on the wording of the comment it that it would be clear if 
there was a comma after "package description".

The test looks okay to me although I had to read it a few times to 
understand that <proto>:// was being removed from s.


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