RFR: 8012902: remove use of global operator new - take 2

Yumin Qi yumin.qi at oracle.com
Thu Apr 25 23:48:54 PDT 2013

HI, all

   This bug is filed after this bug
   8010992: Remove calls to global ::operator new[] and new
   was anti-delta'ed due to testing failure on JVMTI. Now it takes both.


   ObjectMonitor is an class which should not inherit from any class, 
but is has subclass in Jvmti, JvmtiRawMonitor. In previous changeset, 
ObjectMonitor is created through NEW_C_HEAP_OBJ/ARRAY macros, but 
JvmtiRawMonitor was missed. This is why when it is 'new'ed failed on 
disabled global operator new in debug mode. To prevent using more 
complex form of marco NEW_C_HEAP_OBJ/ARRAY operator new and new[] added 
to ObjectMonitor so JvmtiRawMonitor will inherit for them.

   HandleMark should be a StackObj but we create the first one in Thread 
ctor in heap, so it did not have StackObj as parent. Added oerator new 
and new [] to it though in fact it is  used as StackObj. Same treatment 
for MemRegion too, it is an _ValueObj (in Linux, it did not inherit from 
any). Adding operator new and new[] is mainly avoid using macro 
involving alloc/dealloc and ctor/dtor complexity.

   The make files, vm.make and fastdebug.make  changed under BSD is for 
one problem which is not clear: jdk code called operator new in hotspot 
library. This only happens on Darwin. Exposure of 
CATCH_OPERATOR_NEW_USAGE giving an warning when first time global 
operator new and new [] called.

   Tested with JPRT, vm.quick, jtreg.


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