java 1.7.0u4 GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo API
John Cuthbertson
john.cuthbertson at
Fri Feb 1 14:17:50 PST 2013
Hi Taras,
I'm going to cc the serviceability alias. I think they might be best
suited to answer some of your questions. I believe they own the API and
the GC provides the data.
Answer 1: It should be milliseconds, but there was a bug
( that is now
fixed in hs24 and you could be running into that.
Answer 2: This sounds like a bug. Do you have a test case you can share?
Answer 3: I'll leave that to the serviceability guys.
On 1/28/2013 1:11 PM, Taras Tielkes wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm playing around with the new(ish) GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo
> API. We're using ParNew+CMS in all our systems, and my first goal is a
> comparison between -XX:+PrintGCDetails -verbose:gc output and the
> actual data coming through the notification API. I'm using Java
> 1.7.0u6 for the experiments.
> So far, I have a number of questions:
> 1) duration times
> The javadoc for gcInfo.getDuration() describes the returned value as
> expressed in milliseconds. However, the values differ to the gc logs
> by several orders of magnitude. How are they calculated?
> On a 1-core Linux x64 VM, the values actually look like microseconds,
> but on a Win32 machines I still can't figure out any resemblance to gc
> log timings.
> Apart from the unit, what should the value represent? Real time or
> user time?
> 2) CMS events with cause "No GC"
> How exactly do the phases of CMS map to the notifications emitted for
> the CMS collector?
> I sometimes get events with cause "No GC". Does this indicate a
> background CMS cycle being initiated by hitting the occupancy fraction
> threshold?
> 3) Eden/Survivor
> It seems that the MemoryUsage API treats Eden and Survivor separately,
> i.e. survivor is not a subset of eden. This is different from the gc
> log presentation. Is my understanding correct?
> In general, I think it would be useful to have a code sample for the
> GC notification API that generates output as close as possible to
> -XX:+PrintGCDetails -verbose:gc, as far as the data required to do so
> is available.
> The API looks quite promising, it seems it could really benefit from a
> bit of documentation love :)
> Thanks,
> -tt
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