JVM/TI code review request (XS and M) (7182152)

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at oracle.com
Mon Feb 4 16:14:04 PST 2013



On 2/4/13 4:17 PM, Coleen Phillimore wrote:
> Comment looks good!   Thanks!
> Coleen
> On 2/4/2013 5:09 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>> On 2/4/13 2:48 PM, Coleen Phillimore wrote:
>>>>> Also the file,
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8007420-webrev/0-jdk8-tl/test/java/lang/instrument/RedefineSubclassWithTwoInterfacesImpl_1.java.html 
>>>>> Is exactly the same as the file 
>>>>> RedefineSubclassWithTwoInterfacesImpl.java
>>>>> Isn't one supposed to be derived from Target_1 rather than Target 
>>>>> or different in some way?
>>>> The "_1" stuffis just for version naming purposes. The actual
>>>> class name has to be the same between Foo.java and Foo_1.java.
>>>> In this particular bug's case, we only needed to redefine
>>>> RedefineSubclassWithTwoInterfacesImpl with an EMCP version
>>>> to tickle the bug. That's why there are no differences
>>>> between RedefineSubclassWithTwoInterfacesImpl.java and
>>>> RedefineSubclassWithTwoInterfacesImpl_1.java.
>>>> Good eyes though.
>>> Can you put a comment about why there are no differences but it's a 
>>> different file?
>> Yes. How about the following?
>> $ diff 
>> test/java/lang/instrument/RedefineSubclassWithTwoInterfacesImpl.java{.cr0,}
>> 23a24,27
>> > // Reproducing this bug only requires an EMCP version of the
>> > // RedefineSubclassWithTwoInterfacesImpl class so
>> > // RedefineSubclassWithTwoInterfacesImpl.java and
>> > // RedefineSubclassWithTwoInterfacesImpl_1.java are identical.
>> $ diff 
>> test/java/lang/instrument/RedefineSubclassWithTwoInterfacesImpl_1.java{.cr0,}
>> 23a24,27
>> > // Reproducing this bug only requires an EMCP version of the
>> > // RedefineSubclassWithTwoInterfacesImpl class so
>> > // RedefineSubclassWithTwoInterfacesImpl.java and
>> > // RedefineSubclassWithTwoInterfacesImpl_1.java are identical.
>> so both files are still identical, but now there is an explanation.
>> Dan

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