jmx-dev [PATCH] JDK-7170447: Intermittent failure

Jaroslav Bachorik jaroslav.bachorik at
Wed Jan 9 05:15:58 PST 2013

On 01/09/2013 11:08 AM, shanliang wrote:
> Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
>> On 01/09/2013 09:40 AM, shanliang wrote:
>>> I still have no idea why the test failed, but I do not see why a longer
>>> timeout can fix the test. Have you reproduced the problem and tested
>>> your fix? if yes then possible the long timeout hided a real problem.
>> Yes, I can reproduce the problem (using the fastbuild bits and -Xcomp
>> switch) and verify that the fix makes the test pass.
>> The ClientNotifForwarder scans the notifications for
>> MBeanServerNotification.UNREGISTRATION_NOTIFICATION and removes the
>> appropriate notification listeners in a separate thread. Thus, calling
>> "removeNotificationListener" on the main thread is prone to racing.
> It is true that ClientNotifForwarder scans the notifications for
> MBeanServerNotification.UNREGISTRATION_NOTIFICATION and removes the
> appropriate notification listeners in a separate thread. This is for a
> client connection to do clean if a user never calls
> removeNotificationListener.
> But calling directly removeNotificationListener from a client should
> still get exception if the clean has not been done. As I said, if the
> client checked and found the listener was still there, then the client
> sent a request to its server to remove the listener at server side, the
> server should find that the MBean in question was not registered, so the
> server should throw an exception. The bug might be here.

This won't work. The server side listeners are removed upon receiving
the "unregistered" notification which is delivered from the
ClientNotificationForwarder and it may have not run yet (since it runs
in a separate executor thread). The result is that the attempt to remove
the notification listener on the server will succeed as well failing the
test subsequently.


> Shanliang
>>> The timeout you made longer was used to wait a notification which should
>>> never arrive.
>> Well, it can be used to allow more time to process the "unregister"
>> notification, too.
>> When I think more of this I am more inclined to fix the race condition.
>> An updated webrev will follow.
>>> To remove a listener from a client side, we did:
>>> 1) at client side, check whether it was added in the client side
>>> 2) at server side, check whether the MBean in question was registered in
>>> the MBeanServer (!!!)
>>> 3) at server side, check whether the listener was added.
>>> So 2) tells that we did not rely on a "unregister" notification. Anyway,
>>> if you use a SAME thread to call "unregister" operation to unregister an
>>> mbean, then any following call (without any time break) to use the mbean
>>> should fail, like "removeNotificationListener", "isRegistered" etc.
>>> I do see a bug here, if we remove a listener from a non-existing MBeam,
>>> we get "ListenerNotFoundException" at a client side, but get
>>> "InstanceNotFoundException" at server side, I think we should create a
>>> bug, because both implemented the same interface MBeanServerConnection.
>> Yes, it is rather inconsistent.
>> -JB-
>>> Shanliang
>>> Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
>>>> Looking for review and a sponsor.
>>>> Webrev at
>>>> In this issue the timing is the problem. MBeanServer.unregisterMBean()
>>>> fires the "unregister" notification which is sent to the server
>>>> asynchronously. Thus it may happen that the "unregister" notification
>>>> has not been yet processed at the time of invoking
>>>> removeNotificationListener() and the notification listeners hasn't been
>>>> cleaned up leading to the test failure.
>>>> There is no synchronization between the client and the server and such
>>>> race condition can occur occasionally. Normally, the execution is fast
>>>> enough to behave like the "unregister" notification is processed
>>>> synchronously with the unregisterMBean() operation but it seems that
>>>> using fastdebug Server VM bits with the -Xcomp option strains the CPU
>>>> enough to make this problem appear.
>>>> There is no proper fix for this - the only thing that work is waiting a
>>>> bit longer in the main thread to give the notification processing
>>>> thread
>>>> some time to clean up the listeners.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> -JB-

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