RFR [8016838] java/lang/instrument/RedefineBigClass.sh needs modification

Ivan Gerasimov ivan.gerasimov at oracle.com
Mon Jul 8 09:55:47 PDT 2013

Thanks, Seán!

I located the build in which the memleak was first introduced -- it is 
jdk8-b69 (hs25-b13).
I've updated the bug http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=8019845 with 

So what is the correct procedure to go forward now?
Should I update the webrev to include changes to the problem list?
I believe I shouldn't -- this list seems to be a sensitive stuff.

Sincerely yours,

On 05.07.2013 15:45, Seán Coffey wrote:
> Nice work indeed Ivan. Good to have a reliable testcase to catch leaks 
> in this area.
> I'd also suggest that this test goes on the ProblemList until the new 
> leak is sorted out for jdk8. The goal of JPRT runs is to have clean 
> runs.  If it's on the problemList, then it's a known issue and is 
> normally tagged with the relevant bug ID so that the responsible 
> engineer knows the current state.
> regards,
> Sean.
> On 05/07/2013 11:53, Ivan Gerasimov wrote:
>> On 05.07.2013 8:35, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>> Ivan,
>>> The changes look fine, I can sponsor your commit, looks like your
>>> OpenJDK user name is 'igerasim', but I need to know a little bit
>>> more about your testing of these fixes. Did you do a test JPRT
>>> job to run the JLI tests (or just the two tests themselves)?
>> I've only run test from java/lang/instrument when checked the change 
>> with JDK6u60 (all passed) and with JDK6u51 (the test failed as 
>> expected, since the leak had still been there.)
>>> Based on e-mail about this bug fix, I believe you've found a new
>>> leak in JDK8/HSX-25 with test java/lang/instrument/RedefineBigClass.sh.
>> Right. The test shown a memleak with the the latest jdk8.
>> I filed a bug 8019845 about this leak.
>> Stefan Karlsson guessed that this may be related to 8003419 (NPG: 
>> Clean up metadata created during class loading if failure)
>> Then I've checked the builds b57 (test failed) and b58 (test passed), 
>> so I confirmed that it may be the reason of the leak being observed now.
>> But now I think that the reason may be different.
>> It just turns out that the test shows failures for (at least) three 
>> different leaks - the one you, Daniel, solved (7121600), the one 
>> Stefan wrote about (8003419) and the one currently observed (8019845).
>>> That's a good thing, but I think Alan and company would be a bit
>>> grumpy with me if I pushed a test that failed as soon as someone
>>> ran it. :-) Do you know if the revised RetransformBigClass.sh also
>>> finds a new memory leak in JDK8/HSX-25?
>>> The way to deal with that is to put the test on the Problem.list
>>> as part of the same changeset. However, the T&L folks might not like
>>> that either...
>> Well, the leak is there, and why not have a failing test as a 
>> reminder to have it fixed?
>> Sincerely yours,
>> Ivan Gerasimov
>>> Dan
>>> On 7/4/13 6:59 PM, Ivan Gerasimov wrote:
>>>> Thank you, Daniel!
>>>> Please find an updated webrev at 
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~igerasim/8016838/2/webrev/.
>>>> It now includes the RetransformBigClass test modified in the same 
>>>> way as RedefineBigClass
>>>> If the changes look fine, may I ask you to sponsor the commit, as 
>>>> I'm not a committer?
>>>> Here's a link to hg export:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~igerasim/2commit/8016838-jdk8-ReBigClass-improved.patch 
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Ivan
>>>> On 04.07.2013 21:45, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>>> On 7/4/13 11:19 AM, Ivan Gerasimov wrote:
>>>>>> Daniel, thank you for review!
>>>>>> Here's the updated with all all your suggestions adopted.
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~igerasim/8016838/1/webrev/
>>>>> Looks good.
>>>>>> I haven't yet considered applying the approach to 
>>>>>> RetransformBigClass.
>>>>>> Do you want me to include this into this same change set or 
>>>>>> should I make it separately?
>>>>> I would include it in the same changeset.
>>>>> Dan
>>>>>> Sincerely yours,
>>>>>> Ivan
>>>>>> On 04.07.2013 19:34, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>>>>> On 7/3/13 11:12 AM, Ivan Gerasimov wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello everybody!
>>>>>>>> We have a request to improve jtreg test.
>>>>>>>> The test had been written to verify fix for memory leak during 
>>>>>>>> class redefinition.
>>>>>>>> The problem is that it always is reported as PASSED even in the 
>>>>>>>> presence of the leak.
>>>>>>>> The proposed change is platform specific.
>>>>>>>> It allows memory leak detection only on Linux.
>>>>>>>> This is because the memory leak was in native code, so there's 
>>>>>>>> no easy way to detect it from within Java code.
>>>>>>>> Here's the webrev for JDK8 repository:
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~igerasim/8016838/0/webrev/
>>>>>>> Very nicely done! The logic in RedefineBigClass.sh only catches a
>>>>>>> leak big enough to cause an Exception to be thrown.
>>>>>>> When I originally wrote this test and its companion:
>>>>>>>     test/java/lang/instrument/RetransformBigClass*
>>>>>>> I could not come up with a platform independent way to put a small
>>>>>>> upper limit on memory growth. It never dawned on me that putting in
>>>>>>> something on one platform (Linux) was better than nothing.
>>>>>>> Are you planning to add this same logic to RetransformBigClass*?
>>>>>>> test/java/lang/instrument/RedefineBigClass.sh
>>>>>>>     No comments.
>>>>>>> test/java/lang/instrument/RedefineBigClassApp.java
>>>>>>>     line 48: final long MEM_LEAK_THRESHOLD = 32 * 1024; // 32Mb
>>>>>>>         Would be better at the top of RedefineBigClassApp rather 
>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>         "buried" down here.
>>>>>>>     line 51: Long.valueOf(vmMemDelta)
>>>>>>>         There are several places where a long is passed to 
>>>>>>> Long.valueOf().
>>>>>>>         Is there some reason you're not passing them directly to 
>>>>>>> println()?
>>>>>>>     line 54: } else {
>>>>>>>         The "else" is redundant due to the "System.exit(1)" call 
>>>>>>> above it.
>>>>>>>         You can drop the "else {" and "}" and shift that last 
>>>>>>> println() to
>>>>>>>         the left.
>>>>>>>     line 71: return Long.parseLong(line.split(" ")[22]) / 1024;
>>>>>>>         How about at least a comment referring to the Linux proc(5)
>>>>>>>         man page... and the fact that the 23rd field is:
>>>>>>>             vsize %lu   Virtual memory size in bytes.
>>>>>>> Again, very nicely done!
>>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>>>> The surprising thing is that modified test detected the leak 
>>>>>>>> with the latest JDK8!
>>>>>>>> Latest 6 and 7 are fine, so it might be regression in JDK8.
>>>>>>>> I've filled a bug 
>>>>>>>> http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=8019845 "Memory leak 
>>>>>>>> during class redefenition" (not yet available.)
>>>>>>>> Sincerely yours,
>>>>>>>> Ivan Gerasimov

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